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Students feel connected at TTUSD schools and 2 more... less...

Students are successful academically

Tahoe Truckee Youth are connected to their community

% of TTUSD students who feel connected to school - 11th Grade

Current Value




Trends over Time: School Connectedness Scale (In-School)

In-School and Hybrid only 

How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following. 

- I feel close to people at this school

- I am happy to be at this school

- I feel like I am part of this school

- The teachers at this school treat students fairly

- I feel safe in my school. 

Note: Responses submitted in 2020-21 may not be comparable to other years because survey questions that are used to compute this indicator were not asked among students attending schools remotely due to the pandemic. Refer to response counts in the tooltip for in. 

Line Bar Comparison

What is this Indicator?

Average percentage of TTUSD 11th grader student respondents reporting 'Strongly Agree' of 'Agree' on the California Healthy Kids Survey School Connectedness Scale.  

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