Number of injuries to motorcycle operators in Connecticut.
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
The number of injuries to motorcycle operators remained stable between 2006 and 2010, but decreased to 913 (by 16%) in 2013. The Healthy Connecticut 2020 Objective is to reduce the number of motorcycle operator injuries by 10% (to 977 injuries) and since 2011 that goal has been met. Data last updated 6/3/2016. Next data update is expected 8/31/2020.
Potential Partners
Connecticut Department of Public Health; Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles; Connecticut Office of the Child Advocate; State Department of Education; Connecticut Judicial Branch; Connecticut Department of Transportation; Office of the Child Advocate; National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and other federal agencies; law enforcement; regional planning organizations; local public health agencies; health care providers including hospitals, emergency medical services, nurses, and emergency physicians; health professional associations; organizations and coalitions focused on prevention of motor vehicle crashes, injuries, and child safety; and others.
What Works
Countermeasures that Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety Offices, Third Edition
Potential Strategies
Advocate for reinstatement of a helmet law for motorcycle drivers and passengers.
Expand educational awareness and public awareness of the dangers of riding a motorcycle without a helmet.