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Vermont's families are safe, nurturing, stable, and supported and 1 more... less...

Families are safe, stable, nurturing, and supported

#of homeless persons in households with at least one adult and one child

Current Value




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Story Behind the Curve

Following a dramatic increase in the number of homeless families with children, the state of Vermont invested in programs such as the Vermont Rental Subsidy Program and Family Supportive Housing Program. Rental assistance and intensive services provided through these state-funded initiatives is targeted to homeless families with children and seems to be having the desired effect of reducing homelessness among this vulnerable population. This strategy has also demonstrated a reduction in health care utilization and costs and is consistent with our Agency focus on the critical early years in a child’s development. Additional work needs to be done to increase access to deeply-affordable housing and bring the supportive services currently available in five regional pilots statewide.

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