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Tobacco Use


Percentage of adults aged 18 and over who currently smoke cigarettes.

Current Value




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Why Is This Important?

The Nebraska Office of Governor Pete Ricketts hosts a 'How Nebraska Ranks' webpage reflecting five areas that will track how Nebraska ranks in a variety of key categories. The webpage is part of the Governor’s continued commitment to apply business principles to government by measuring performance, improving operational excellence, and building a customer-friendly culture.

The “How Nebraska Ranks” page features rankings in five key categories: jobs and economic development; education and workforce development; fiscal strength; public safety; and health and welfare. “‘How Nebraska Ranks’ is an online transparency tool that will allow Nebraska taxpayers to see how our state ranks nationally,” said Governor Pete Ricketts.

The Health and Welfare category includes seven measures using data indicators that reflect the Nebraska data and the national rank:

  • Overall Health Ranking
  • Smoking - *The indicator above is the measure used on the 'How Nebraska Ranks' webpage.*
  • Obesity
  • Infant Mortality
  • Immunization Coverage
  • Teen Birth Rate
  • Average Time to Adoption

The 'How Nebraska Ranks' webpage can be accessed at, and will be updated on a regular basis to reflect ongoing changes in the individual rankings.

Click here for the press release about the unveiling of the 'How Nebraska Ranks' webpage:

Story Behind the Curve

National Comparison 2013: 19.0%

Nebraska Racial/Ethnic Comparison (2013-2017, combined, age-adjusted):

  • White NH: 17.6%
  • African American NH: 21.5%
  • Native American NH: 38.2%
  • Asian/Pacific Islander NH: 11.5%
  • Hispanic: 13.8%

NH = Non-Hispanic

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