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Promoting oral health among Nebraskans.

NE OH-4: increase percentage of low-income children and youth under age 18 who received any preventive dental service during the past year through the Medicaid EPSDT benefit.

Current Value




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Story Behind the Curve

** Note: Nebraska specific data cannot be directly compared to National HP2020 data for this objective. Nebraska data for this objective tracks preventive services for Medicaid eligible children only. Not all low income children in Nebraska are captured in this data. National data tracks all low income children greater than or equal to 200% of the federal poverty level.

National HP 2020 (OH-8) Comparison:

2012: 34.6%

2020 National Target for this objective: 33.2%

Source: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), AHRQ


Medicaid EPSDT= The Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit that provides preventive health services to children enrolled in Medicaid who are under the age of 21.

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