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Communities are Safe for Children, Youth and Families (Anne Arundel County)


Crime: Rate of Violent Crimes Committed per 1,000 Persons

Current Value




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Story Behind the Curve

Completed with Impact of Incarceration Work Group

  • Drugs (heroin) - generations are affected by this
  • When you are on heroin there is nothing else - there is no "in between"
  • need more interventions/treatment/rehabilitation services
  • teenage dabbling
  • culture around drug use
  • many start with pain pills and then move to harder drugs
  • can take a lot to break the cycle
  • need early interventions
  • supports for families in treatment
  • Need to intervene with children and young families to break the cycle
  • Opportunities for families
  • Criminal records create barriers to jobs and stability
  • Cultural biases towards individuals with criminal records/history of drug use or abuse
  • Mental Health issues - medication & treatment, stigma and shame (though it is getting a little better)
  • Co-occurring disorders
  • More early interventions are helping (pre-trial diversion etc. growing) but need to increase access\
  • Need early interventions for those who don't get referred to pre-trial diversion
  • Increase of guns available on the street?
  • Issues meeting requirements for many training programs or employment programs
  • Challenges with those mandated to treatment (ie methadone) that are not equipped to manage treatment
  • Inmates lacking GED (learning disabilities)
  • Young male inmates with low literacy rates


  • Partnership CYF
  • Police
  • AACPS - Teachers
  • Health Department
  • families impacted by incarceration
  • parents
  • grandparents
  • Detention Centers
  • Get young people involved
  • SF Facilitators
  • Public Defenders Office
  • Dept. of Aging
  • Kinship
  • Mental Health
  • Substance abuse prevention/treatment
  • Diversion programs
  • Probation & Parole - reentry, need help "reforming a family"
  • AAWDC - reentry, getting families back to stability
  • Training programs
  • Housing
  • faith community
  • Big Brothers and Big Sisters (AMACHI)
  • Rec and Parks
  • AACC - GED services and training/employment programs

What Works

  • Family involvement - contact visits
  • Strengthening Families
  • Peer support
  • Educator training to understand issues these families/children are struggling with
  • Behavioral interventions for kids with incarcerated family members
  • Open Book
  • Diversion programs
  • ADI/substance abuse treatment
  • Treatment vs. jail?
  • Expungement of Criminal Backgrounds - policy issues
  • Bail reform
  • Re-entry programs - employment, basic needs, stability
  • Mentor on the outside - outside supports
  • Mentoring Moms


  • Expansion of Open Book
  • Materials/e-readers for inmates or educational films etc to keep minds active in incarceration
  • Nurseries attached to prisons to keep moms and babies together (off the wall!)
  • Amachi program moving inside walls
  • Expansion of Strengthening Families inside jails
  • Positive youth groups to shift convo/culture and keep kids on a positive track
  • More reentry programs/expungement
  • More basic education - move towards GED
  • Targeted literacy programs for young male inmates
  • SKYPE with families instead of calls so parents and children can see eachother (particularly for families that can't get kids to the facilities for in-person visits)

Data Discussion

This specific indicator cannot be disaggregated by race, but other crime related indicators can be disaggregated by race and found in the following report:

Data Source

Open Data:; GOCCP:

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