MSA: Math: % of Students, Grades 3-8, Scoring At or Above Proficient
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
- Math is evil :)
- Assessments have changed which does impact
- Curriculum has undergone major transformation (Common Core)
- With changes in teaching/curriculum, parents are less equipped to help support children with homework etc.
- The way teachers teach has also changed
- Behavioral health issues are on the rise
- Special Ed assessments are on the rise (particularly young children)
- Children presenting with a higher level of need
- Need to change the way we engage children in the learning process - speak to their learning styles, make it relevant
- Increase in violence
- Opiate addiction
- Attendance issues - high level of need, limited capacity of personnel to address attendance issues
- Rise in immigrant children with significant trauma and language barriers/gaps (still required to meet standards)
- ESL crisis in north county - not enough capacity to serve the number of parents who want/need to improve English proficiency
- Economic issues - parents working multiple jobs, not home as much to support learning
- Technology distractions
- Less ability to "Deep work" - social media and technology has created a culture shift where younger learners are less able to focus, dig in and work through the "deep work"
- Process for obtaining knowledge has changed (google vs. old research methods - instant gratification)
- Behavioral health issues are having a far younger onset than in generations prior
- Parents struggling as well
- Need a 2 generation approach - can't "fix" a child if I can't work with the parents/family
- Lack of understanding among educators around the trauma children are struggling with and how that impacts learning and behavior
- Community has been ill-prepared to deal with increase in drug use and related impacts (affecting new populations/demographics)
- Health Dept
- Youth
- Parents
- Faith
- Philanthropy
- Crisis Response
- Rec & Parks
- Family Support Partners
- Peer supports
- Navigators
- Coaches
- Mentors
- Local businesses (private sector employers)
- Private providers (education, mental health, etc.)
- Engaged citizens
- Neighborhood Associations (HOA's)
- Police
- Justice
- Housing Authorities
- Youth Centers - Boys & Girls Clubs etc
- Unions - apprenticeships for Parents (2 gen)
- Health Care providers - primary care, hospitals
- Not-for-profit community
- Legislators/Politicians
- Goodwill (family supports)
- Food Bank/feeding programs
- Libraries
What Works
- Mentoring
- Tutoring
- After-school programs/youth programs - B&GC, Y programs, Chesapeake Arts, MD Hall, etc.
- Recreation programs/sports - specialized programming for high need/high risk youth
- Trauma informed care/counseling and practice
- Flip classroom learning
- Strengthening Families
- UWCM Family Stability initiatives (wraparound, school stability)
- Wraparound strategies - SOC, Basic Needs, navigation, home visiting
- Mental Health/Behavioral Health
- Basic Needs - food, shelter, utilities
- Real world applications for education (bringing in business partners to make learning practical)
- Teacher supports (PD) - trauma informed learning, new learning styles, technology
- Connections between middle and high schools
- Library programs
- Parent supports - education, ESOL, training programs, behavioral health services, basic needs
- Parent involvement in school
- PPW's
- Community Conferencing
- Mentoring
- Math PTSA's/Reading PTSA's - around a meal, instruct parents and kids on content, work together
- Integrate new technologies and accelerated learning principals to engage kids in a way that is familiar to them/keeps it interesting
- Two Generation Schools - Parents getting education on one side of the school, kids on the other side, families came together for meals, on-site child care, stipends for parents (off the wall!)
- Two Generation Housing - including multiple generations (grandparents/parents/youth)
- Mindfulness/meditation in schools (pilot in Belle Grove - expand!) - low cost for building program
- Early identification of youth with mental health or behavioral issues and having them evaluated/treated early (insurance/MA coverage)
- Early intervention for youth predisposed to drug use/generational drug use
- Crisis/Systems of Care - emergency interventions and basic needs wraparound services
- Significant reduction in drug availability (drug trafficking)
- Move back to having activities be fun rather than competitive!
Data Discussion
The average percent of public school students in grades 3 through 8 performing at or above proficient levels in reading and mathematics on the Maryland School Assessment (MSA).
- Data dis-aggregated by race/ethnicity
- Look at educational level of parents - correlation?
- 5 years of data to get a better sense of trend
- ESL data
- Dis-aggregate by behavioral health/mental health/behavior issues
- Can we compare reading and math level and see correlations?
- In classroom grades vs. standardized test (whole picture!)
- Correlation between Kindergarten readiness vs. long term test proficiency in elementary/middle schools
- Summer program data - can kids be caught up over the summer if they end the school year behind?