% of Hidalgo County pregnancies receiving prenatal care in the first trimester
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Factors pushing up on the data
- Programs targeting moms
- Coalition efforts where collective impact is achieved by leveraging partner resources
- Increased availability of resources through UTRGV and Nurse Family Partnership
- Pregnancies that are planned for
Factors pushing down on the data
- Fear
- Teenage pregnancies
- Intimidation
- Cultural norms (Machismo, Shamefulness experienced by woman, not wanting to share the news)
- Emotional immaturity
- Lack of education
- Not utilizing resources
- Migrant worker population
- Lack of resources
- Location of the resources make them not easily accessible for some people
- Unplanned pregnancies
- Family dynamics
- Commitment from partners
- Political environments
- Inhibiting information
- Clergy
- Maximus/Promotoras
- School Districts
- Local Government
- Foundations
- Community/Informal leaders
- Parental engagement groups
Contributions they can make: Education, Services, Referrals, Partners, Funding and Support
Evidence-Based Programming
- *MCHV-THV, Nurse Family Partnership, Parents as Teachers, and Head Start
- *Community Health Workers
- *Mobile clinics
Promising Practices
- *Health Fairs "on steroids"
- Outreach
- Hospital Prenatal Classes
- Fatherhood programs
- TxHW
No Cost/Low Cost ideas
- *Incentives for seeking care
- Promoting 211
- Social media awareness campaign
Off the Wall ideas
- *Town hall meetings
- Sex education in schools
- Confidential application
- Turquoise table
* - Indicates a solution voted on/selected by the group
- Continue to engage and inform parents and caregivers about the importance of prenatal care
- Train Community Health Workers about the importance of prenatal care as a cost-effective way to inform residents in hard-to-reach communities
- Host Health Fairs designed to inform and engage residents on early childhood health issues
- Leverage the capacity of existing mobile clinics by having Community Health Workers ride along on community visitations to directly engage with residents
- Create incentives for residents that seek care
- Directly engage with residents about prenatal care by hosting town hall meetings
Strategy #1
Prioritized Strategy: Continue to engage and inform parents and caregivers about the importance of prenatal care through MCHV-THV, Nurse-Family Partnership, Parents as Teachers, and Head Start
Action Steps:
- Create and implement a marketing campaign to market the opportunities (one pager)
- Non-profit organizations, For-profit companies
- Similar to the mandatory model already in place with WIC/HCHD/HCCS
- Include marketing as a mandatory orientation (just as child abuse, human trafficking)
- Market through the media to bring awareness - Action Completed!
- Think Prenatal
- Strong Moms Make Strong Babies/Smart Moms Make Smart Babies (But will make this an inclusive campaign in the visuals for the campaign)
- The health coalition implemented the Strong Moms Make Strong Babies campaign in April
- Support for this effort might be able to come from HCHD or even HHSC
- All partners agree to post this on their website
- Hidalgo County Health Department is also creating a PSA, to be completed by end of June
Strategy #2
Prioritized Strategy: Engage promotoras to inform residents about the importance of prenatal care
Strategy #3
Prioritized Strategy: Leverage the capacity of existing mobile clinics by having Community Health Workers ride along on community visitations to directly engage with residents