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Result 2. Hidalgo County Children Ages 0-5 Live, Learn and Play in Safe Environments and 1 more... less...

Result 2: Hidalgo County Children Ages 0-5 Live, Learn and Play in Safe

Rate of confirmed victims of child abuse or neglect per 1,000 children in Hidalgo County

Current Value





Story Behind the Curve

Factors pushing up on the data

  • Blended family
  • Effectiveness of strategies to reduce cases
  • Effective training for caseworkers
  • CPS capacity to investigate cases
  • Culturally competent services or resources
  • Differences in home discipline practices
  • Difficulty on reporting abuse
  • Fear of reporting/taboo
  • Increased depression amongst children and adults
  • Lack of insurance coverage on specific conditions
  • Lack of parent education
  • Legal status
  • Limited economic opportunities
  • Limited educational achievement
  • Monitoring: previous cases
  • Multiple children in the household
  • Ratio of cases to caseworker
  • Schools prohibited from sharing data (FERPA)
  • Single parent or caregiver families
  • Stress levels
  • Teen parenting


Factors pushing down on the data

  • Communication between CPS and other programs
  • Prevention programs
  • Increase in number of CPS investigations
  • Stronger parent support and parent groups
  • More collaborations across agencies (law enforcement, state agencies, college)




Agrilife Faith-based services
Judicial system
Law enforcement
Child placement agencies
Medical professionals
Colleges & universities
Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Division
Public Schools
Early Childhood Intervention services
Early Head Start/Head Start
TX Workforce Commission
Easter Seals Volunteers


Evidence based practices

  • Continue to invest in proven early childhood programming: HOPES, Nurse Family Partnership (NFP), Parents as Teachers (PAT), Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY), Early Head Start, Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Services, AVANCE
  • Increase employment opportunities or wages for low-to-moderate income families through education, training, and placement
  • Child Protective Services/Prevention and Early Intervention
  • Focus on strengthening father involvement in young children's lives through EFFECT (AVANCE Fatherhood program)

Promising practices

  • Conduct public awareness campaigns
  • Use mobile units to spread the word about prevention and provide community education in hard to reach places (colonias)
  • Engage Promotoras to raise awareness with children, adults and families about child abuse and neglect
  • Conduct parenting classes to strengthen parents and adults' understanding about child abuse and neglect

No Cost/Low Cost solutions

  • Strengthen collaboration amongst agencies at various levels (local, state, federal)
  • Align the contributions of MTFFC coalition partners, including public agencies

Outside the Box solutions

  • Create an App that puts information about child abuse and neglect directly into the hands of parents
  • Create a "Neighborhood Watch" network that focuses on abuse
  • Create a Resource Information Exchange so that cross-agency and cross-partner referrals can be made more effectively


  • Align the contributions of MTFFC coalition partners, including public agencies
  • Conduct parenting classes to strengthen parents and adults' understanding about child abuse and neglect
  • Conduct public awareness campaigns
  • Continue to invest in proven early childhood programming: HOPES, NFP, PAT, HIPPY, Early Head Start, Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Services, AVANCE
  • Create an App that puts information about child abuse and neglect directly into the hands of parents
  • Create a "Neighborhood Watch" network that focuses on abuse
  • Create a Resource Information Exchange so that cross-agency and cross-partner referrals can be made more effectively
  • Engage Promotoras to raise awareness with children, adults and families about child abuse and neglect
  • Focus on strengthening father involvement in young children's lives through EFFECT (AVANCE Fatherhood program)
  • Increase employment opportunities or wages for low-to-moderate income families through education, training, and placement
  • Strengthen collaboration amongst agencies at various levels (local, state, federal)
  • Use mobile units to spread word about prevention and provide community education in isolated places (colonias)

Strategy #1

Prioritized Strategy:  Align the contributions of MTFFC coalition partners, including partner agencies

Strategy #2

Prioritized Strategy: Conduct public awareness campaigns that increase community understanding about child abuse and neglect


Strategy #3

Prioritized Strategy: To reduce stress levels of parents or caregivers, increase employment opportunities or wages for low-to-moderate income families through education, training and placement

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