Result 3: Hidalgo County Children Ages 0-5 Are Prepared to Enter Kindergarten Ready to Learn and Succeed
% of Kindergarten students assessed as Developmentally on Track on four or more developmental domains
Current Value
About This Data
- The results were collected from 7,697 Kindergarten children in Hidalgo and Willacy Counties, representing 13 different school districts. Not all of the school districts in Hidalgo County participated in the study.
Story Behind the Curve
Factors pushing up on the data:
- Higher education levels of parents
- Higher family income levels
- High quality childcare
- Literacy programs
- Parent support through home visiting programs
- Local Pre-K programs - public and private
Factors pushing down on the data:
- Teen parents
- Low family income levels
- Lack of information about child development
- Poor nutrition
- Cultural beliefs about responsibilities of parents and of schools
- Lack of exercise
Workforce Solutions Hidalgo County Head Start school district Pre-K programs
DFPS Childcare licensing South Texas Community College Texas Hunger Initiative
private preschools Easterseals Avance
Evidence Based Programming
- Nurse Family Partnership
- Parents as Teachers Program
- Early Head Start and Head Start
- Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters
- Well-baby checks
Promising Practices
- Parental Involvement programs in schools
- Recreational programs
- Summer food programs
- Literacy programs at public libraries
- Culturally appropriate events and activities
- HEB Read-3 Project
- Apps for parents on child development
- Accessible public playgrounds
No Cost/Low Cost Solutions
- Little free libraries in vulnerable neighborhoods
- Story time at bookstores
- Distribution of developmental and literacy information through MTFFC partners
- Use technology and social media to encourage developmental activities and literacy
- Book walk
Out of the Box Ideas
- Police officers and story time at childcare settings
- Provide incentives to childcare centers to become a 3 star level or higher in Texas Rising Star Program - "Star Proud" Day
- Increase the number of level 3 rated childcare agencies in Texas Rising Star Program
- Implement literacy outreach programs with community libraries and MTFFC partners
- Provide information and support to parents through home visiting and school based programs
- Provide childcare at community colleges and local universities
- Work with community leaders to increase the number of accessible playgrounds in Hidalgo County
Strategy #1
Prioritized Strategy: Increase the number of level 3 rated childcare agencies in Texas Rising Star program
Action Steps:
Strategy #2
Prioritized Strategy: Implement literacy outreach programs with community libraries and MTFFC partners
Action Steps:
Strategy #3
Prioritized Strategy: Provide information and support to parents through home visiting and school programs
Action Steps:
- Engage potential partners within the MTFFC
- Non-profit partners - Head Start, Pediatricians, Texas Rising Star, South Texas Literacy Coalition, McAllen
- For-profits - Barnes & Noble, Target, Wal Mart, HEB, Local banks (IBC)
- Coordinate and align all of the HV and MTFFC partners and resources
- Sharing themes that are promoting positive parenting
- Maximize visibility during April, the International Month of the Young Child by creating tips
- Each day, different tip(s)
- Handout provided as well
- And carry this throughout the year