% of adults of color always or usually getting emotional support
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Author: Planning Unit, Vermont Department of Health
Updated: August 2023
Between 2016, 2018 and 2018, 2020, the percentage of adults of color who always or usually receive social and emotional support decreased from 69% to 66%. However, this change was not statistically significant. The percentage of adults of color who always or usually receive social and emotional support has been statistically consistent over the years.
During that same time period, adults who identified as white, non-Hispanic who always or usually receive social and emotional support remained the same at 81%. This disparity between adults of color and adults identifying as white, non-Hispanic is statistically significant.
Adults of color consistently receive social and emotional support at a rate over ten percentage points lower than that of white, non-Hispanic adults.
Why Is This Important?
Social and emotional support—including living in communities that are cohesive and have social capital—support physical and mental health and serve as protective factors against numerous adverse health outcomes. It can reduce the risk of depression among adults with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)[i], improve functioning among people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)[ii], reduce the likelihood of violent behavior[iii], and support cardiovascular health. Social isolation and loneliness are also linked to behaviors such as overeating and tobacco use among adults and increased risk of illness, mental health problems, and mortality.[iv]
Many in Vermont pride themselves in being welcoming and trying to create welcoming environment to all. Despite this, due to bias, stereotypes, prejudice, and both implicit and explicit racism people of color do not always feel welcomed, fully accepted, or part of their communities, neighborhoods, workplaces, or healthcare settings.[v] This process of “othering” can lead to stress, isolation, and a lack of social and emotional support. These, in turn, can affect the social conditions in which people live, learn, work, and play, as well as their mental health, physical health, and health behaviors.
[i] Social and emotional support as a protective factor against current depression...
[ii] Relationships Between Social/Emotional Support and Quality of Life...
[iii] Connectedness & Health: The Science of Social Connection
[iv] County Health Rankings: Family and Social Support
[v] 2017 VT State Health Assessment Community Engagement Findings
The Health Department understands that to address this issue we need to partner with traditional public health programs and other partners like schools and social service agencies.
We also need to build relationships and share decision-making with organizations that are led by, or specifically serve, populations who experience inequities. These people have historically held the least power but should have the greatest voice in how they are supported. They are the experts on their experiences.
Improving the health of everyone living and working in Vermont will require trusting and equitable partnerships with many organizations, communities, and people.
Some of our current partners include:
What Works
No single approach alone can increase the number of people reporting that they always or usually receive emotional support. Building this requires a multiprong approach involving all levels of the Vermont Prevention Model (see below). In the State Health Improvement Plan we are doing this by investing in programs that promote resilience, connection, and belonging. Some evidence-based approaches include[i]:
- Individual: crisis lines
- Relationships: Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) and early childhood home visiting programs*; mental health first aid; group parenting classes
- Organizations: youth leadership programs; community centers; Employee Assistance Programs (EAP); Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services; affirmative recruitment.
- Community: activity programs for older adults; community centers; extracurricular activities for school-aged youth*; Open Streets; social media connections with others with shared experiences; participatory budgeting.
- Policies and Systems: addressing systems of oppression
*Strategy specifically named in State Health Improvement Plan.
[i] County Health Rankings: strategies, policies, and programs that work
Using data to recognize and communicate the disparity in outcomes and experiences across different people in our state is a first step but it must be used to be meaningful. Data should be used as information to inform action for becoming better.
Through the State Health Improvement Plan we aim to build meaningful community engagement, develop equitable programs, policies, and budgets, and provide respectful care and services.
- Developing and strengthening relationships with communities and populations who are being oppressed is an important strategy in this work. Developing and strengthening relationships with communities and oppressed populations is an important strategy in this work. These relationships will help us to better understand how our systems and institutions have contributed to such disparities.
- Collaboration between the Department of Health, the Agency of Human Services, and our partners to better understand and address structural inequity is another key to succeeding in this work.
- Increasing trauma-informed care of individuals through our programs and services is another important piece toward building organizations that can appropriately address the needs of people of color in Vermont.
Notes on Methodology
Two years of data are combined for this measure and data is shown on the graph for the most recent year. The emotional and social support question is only asked in even years on the BRFSS. Adults of color include all adults who identified as Hispanic or a race other than white.
The results are weighted to represent the Vermont adult population (18 or older). The baseline year is 2014, 2016 and the 5-year target for the SHIP was calculated as a 5% improvement over the baseline.
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) tracks risk behaviors, chronic disease and health status of adults using an annual telephone survey. Vermont participates in the BRFSS along with all other US states and territories with the support of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You can read more about the survey on the department's BRFSS information page.