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Pupils complete compulsory education successfully

% of pupils who progress to take a Level 3 qualification

Current Value





What is this about?

Education plays a key role in determining how someone will live their adult life. A higher level of education often means higher earnings, better health, and a longer life. Young people leaving education and training early run a greater risk of struggling to find employment and are more likely to work in insecure and low-paid jobs. Skills forecasts indicate that the job market will only get tougher for these people.

This indicator measures the percentage of pupils who leave Key Stage 4 (KS4) (Years 10 and 11, concluding with GCSE and equivalent examinations) and go on to sit Level 3 (A-Level or equivalent) qualifications, either in school or at Highlands College, at the end of Key Stage 5 (KS5). Due to methodological changes, figures prior to 2016 are not directly comparable.

Level 3 qualifications include vocational courses. As schooling is compulsory until the end of KS4, this indicator effectively measures the proportion of children in Jersey who progress to take a Key Stage 5 qualification.

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