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All children in North Carolina thrive in safe, stable, and nurturing environments.

A condition of well being for children, adults, families, or communities

All Cumberland County members thrive in safe, stable, and nurturing environment.s.

All residents of Iredell County live in communities that foster and support positive mental health

All residents of Pamlico County have equitable access to high quality, affordable primary care.

All children in Rockingham County thrive in resilient families and communities.

All Granville and Vance youth have equitable access to healthy foods and exercise opportunities.

All people in NC live in communities with equitable access to evidence-based substance use disorder services for treatment and recovery.

All children in Randolph County thrive in safe, stable, nurturing environments.

All people in the Greater Mecklenburg Area have equitable access to evidence-based substance use disorder services for treatment and recovery.

Results Statement 2

All people in Alexander County have access to mental and/or behavioral health care.

Results Statement #1

All people in Alleghany County live in communities that foster and support healthy family and social connections.

All people in Watauga County live and work in environments that foster and support healthy family and social connections.

Result statement 3


ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES All children in North Carolina thrive in safe, stable, and nurturing environments.

All people in Duplin County have equitable access to appropriate, high-quality mental health services


All Beaufort County residents live in a community free of mental health illness.

All children and adolescents will have access to healthy activities

State level HNC indicator measures

All people in Franklin County have equitable opportunities to attain full health potential.

All people in Onslow County have access and awareness of substance use prevention and mental/behavioral health resources available in the community.

All people in Cumberland County live in safe, stable environments

Individuals living in Pitt County will have good mental health and well-being and access to culturally appropriate care.

Results statement #1

Residents of Graham County are Healthy, Safe, and Thriving.

All people are living happy, healthy lives because Avery County has the ability to respond, withstand, and recover from adversity.

All people are living happy, healthy lives because Avery County has the ability to respond, withstand, and recover from adversity.

All people have the resources accessible in Mitchell County that they need to live a healthy, happy, productive life.

Henderson County residents are empowered to be safe and resilient.

All children in Cabarrus County, birth to age 5, live in stable, safe environments, are healthy and ready for school success.

All children in North Carolina thrive in safe, stable, and nurturing environments.

DELETE All Pitt County citizens will have good mental health and well-being and access to culturally appropriate care.

All people in Dare County live in communities that foster and support positive mental health.

Our desired result is for all Polk County residents to have access to mental health resources in a timely and effective manner

All people in Hertford county have a healthy physical and mental lifestyle

All people in Bertie County live a healthy lifestyle

Strengthening Families Program

All People of Chowan county live a Healthier lifestyle

All Rowan County residents thrive in safe, stable, and nurturing environments.

All people in Burke County have access to evidence based mental health resources and programs

Fake Result 1 (Practice)

All children in Alexander County thrive in safe, stable, and nurturing environments.

All children in Rockingham County have access to quality early childcare and are prepared for a healthy and successful life.

All people in Montgomery County live in healthy, equitable communities that offer complete social, physical and mental well-being to all its residents at all stages of life.

Kintegra Mental Health services in Yadkin County Schools

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Percent of children in NC (Total) with 2 or more ACEs

Current Value




Line Bar Comparison

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