All people in North Carolina live in communities that support healthy food and beverage choices.
Greene County residents live healthy lives.
All residents of Harnett County value healthy weight and nutrition.
Sampson County residents live long, healthy lives through physical activity and nutrition.
Adults of Greene County are healthy and thriving
All New Hanover County residents have equitable access to healthy foods.
All in Edgecombe County are able to live a healthy, active and engaged lifestyle supported by their community members around them regardless of income, race, neighborhood, nationality, ability or age.
All people in Carteret County value being active and consuming foods that are nutritious.
All community members in Hoke County will value a healthy lifestyle.
All Beaufort County residents live in communities that support healthy weight initiatives.
Residents of Washington county live in communities that support healthy weight initiatives.
Residents will live in a community that supports a healthy lifestyle free of chronic disease
Franklin County residents are living healthy, active lifestyles and have access to nutritious foods.
All Sampson County residents have long lives
Rowan County residents live in communities that support healthy weight initiatives.
All Columbus County residents live in communities that support healthy weight initiatives.
All residents of Rockingham County have access to healthy food options.
All Warren County residents live in communities that support healthy weight initiatives.
All Northampton communities support healthy weight initiatives
All Surry County residents live in communities that support healthy weight initiatives and equitable access to exercise opportunities.
All people in Randolph County have equitable access to healthy foods.
More Personians preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes.
Results Statement 2
All people in Alexander County live in communities that foster and support positive healthy lifestyles.
Residents of Swain County are Healthy, Active and Thriving
All community members in Surry County value and have equitable access to health services and education.
Surry County residents live in communities that support healthy weigh initiatives.
All people of Robeson County have equitable access to healthy foods and exercise opportunities.
All People in Moore County are at a Healthy Weight Status
All Individuals and families in the ARHS service area will live a healthy lifestyle.
All Davidson County residents have equitable access to nutritious foods, physical activity, and other necessary resources to prevent/manage chronic disease and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
SUGAR-SWEETENED BEVERAGE CONSUMPTION All people in North Carolina live in communities that support healthy food and beverage choices.
All people in Durham County have equitable access to affordable, healthy, and culturally appropriate food, and a safe place to exercise.
All people who work, live, play and pray in Nash County have various opportunities to access of health and wellness programs.
All people in Clay County lead healthy lifestyles
Result Statement 2-Inclusion of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and obesity
All people in Scotland County have access to equitable and affordable healthcare
All people in Sampson County live long, healthy lives with physical activity and healthy food.
All people in Haywood County live long and healthy lives filled with physical activity, healthy eating, and quality healthcare.
State level HNC indicator measures
All people in Franklin County are living healthy, active lifestyles and have equitable access to nutritious foods and physical activity opportunities.
All Residents in Rutherford County will have a Healthy and Active Lifestyle
All Residents in McDowell County will have a Healthy and Active Lifestyle
All people in Macon County have the resources and ability to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
All people in Bladen County have equitable access to affordable, nutritious, culturally appropriate foods.
All people of Washington County will live in communities that promote healthy weight initiatives.
Stanly County residents enjoy good physical health and have equitable access to healthy/nutritious foods and physical activity opportunities.
Jackson County Residents are at a Healthy Weight
Graham County residents are healthy, active and have access to healthy food.
Obesity - Helping Haywood residents live well and live long by promoting physical activity, healthy eating, and quality healthcare.
All people of Tyrrell County will live in communities that support healthy weight initiatives.
All people of Martin County will live in a community with better environmental conditions and health to decrease the prevalence of cancer.
All people in Pitt County have equitable access to affordable, nutritious, culturally appropriate foods.
All people of Halifax County live in communities that support healthy weight initiatives.
All people in Edgecombe County have equitable access to affordable, nutritious, culturally appropriate foods.
All Individuals and families in the ARHS service area live a healthy lifestyle.
All Pitt County citizens have equitable opportunities to have a healthy lifestyle
All people in North Carolina live healthy lives
All people in Greene County have affordable equitable access to culturally appropriate nutrient dense foods, exercise opportunities, community support, and supporting education.
All people in Davie County have equitable access to Nutritious, affordable, and culturally appropriate foods, as well as Physical Activity opportunities across the life span.
All people in Halifax County are living healthy, active lifestyles and have equitable access to nutritious foods and physical activity opportunities.
All people of Bertie County have access to equitable healthcare to prevent chronic disease
Beaufort County residents live in a society that supports healthy lifestyles and healthy communities
All people in Hoke County have long and healthy lives.
All people in Burke County have equitable access to fresh fruit and vegetables
All Wayne County residents will have access to adequate preventative oral care.
All people in Lincoln County live in communities that foster and support healthy lifestyles.
All Surry County residents live in communities that support healthy weight initiatives and equitable access to exercise opportunities.
Everyone in Person County has the resources needed to maintain a healthy weight.
All people in Warren County Have All The Resources They Need To Live Healthy Lives.
Moore County Residents Have a Healthy Weight Status
Promote healthy eating and active living
All people in Rockingham County have access to healthy food options and physical activity opportunities which lead to more years lived disease free.
Improve access to healthy foods in Brunswick County.
All people in Rockingham County have access to healthful food options and physical activity opportunities, which lead to more years lived disease-free.
Sugar-Sweetened Beverage (SSB) Consumption Among Adults in NC: Percent of Adults (Total) reporting consumption of one or more SSBs per day
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages among North Carolina's total adult population rose by four percentage points from 2015 to 2022.
Indicator Notes
The percent of adults self-reporting consumption of one or more sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) per day.
Why is this Important?
Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) is directly linked to obesity, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and dental problems. Obesity is one of the largest contributors to morbidity and mortality in the United States (for both youth and adults). To address rising obesity rates among all age groups. recent public health efforts strive to decrease SSB consumption among the population. [HNC 2030]
Additional Information:
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is a random telephone survey of state residents aged 18 and older. The survey collects information on health behaviors and preventive health practices related to the leading causes of death and disability. [NC SCHS]
Further Information and Links: