All residents of Franklin County have equitable access to high quality, affordable primary care.
All residents of Pamlico County have equitable access to high quality, affordable primary care.
All residents of Johnston County have equitable access to high quality, affordable primary care.
All residents of Johnston County have equitable access to high quality, affordable primary care.
All Lincoln County residents have equitable access to high quality affordable primary care
2020 SOTCH Report
People in Duplin County are mentally and physically healthy
All Jones County community members have equitable access to comprehensive, affordable primary care
Example Result Statement
All people in North Carolina live in communities with access to comprehensive, high quality, affordable health care.
Historically marginalized, uninsured and underinsured people in Durham County have access to quality healthcare coverage and have an established primary care home.
All people in Johnston County have access to comprehensive, high quality, and affordable healthcare by clinicians that identify with people they serve.
All people in Duplin County have equitable access to high-quality health care
All residents of Franklin County have equitable access to high quality, affordable care.
People in Duplin County are healthy, resilient, and thriving
All people in Macon County have easy access to primary and secondary care.
All Jones County residents have equitable access comprehensive healthcare services.
The workforce in North Carolina is reflective of the communities it serves and not limited in providing comprehensive, high-quality, culturally competent health care and supporting services
All people in Edgecombe County have access to comprehensive, high quality, affordable health care provided by clinicians who identify with the culture of people they serve.
All individuals and families in the ARHS service area have access to equitable, comprehensive care.
All people in Carteret County have access to comprehensive, high quality, healthcare, counseling services, affordable health insurance, housing and food
All people in Dare County have equitable access to health services.
Primary Care Clinicians: Number of NC counties with a (full-time equivalent) "primary care workforce" to "county population" ratio of 1:1,500
Current Value