All birthing people in North Carolina have healthy pregnancies and maternal birth outcomes.
ALL families in Guilford County raise healthy, resilient children at each phase of development, within a safe and supportive environment.
Residents in Cleveland County have equitable access to quality affordable prenatal services to assure healthy birth outcomes for babies born in Cleveland County.
Iredell County Infants and Young Children are Healthy
2020 SOTCH Report
All babies in Pitt County are born healthy and thrive in caring and healthy homes and see their first birthday.
Results Statement #1
Result statement 5
State level HNC indicator measures
All people in Franklin County have equitable opportunities to attain full health potential.
Babies in Halifax County are born healthy, thrive in caring and healthy homes and see their first birthday.
All Polk County Families Have Access to Quality Prenatal Care and Support
All People of Reproductive Age in North Carolina have equitable access to quality maternity and interconception care.
All babies in Halifax County are born healthy, thrive in caring and healthy homes, and see their first birthday.
All People of Chowan county live a Healthier lifestyle
All Wayne County residents raise healthy, resilient children at each phase of development, within a safe and supportive environment.
Maternal Health Workgroup
All people in eastern NC have access to affordable health care.
Reduce the burden of chronic disease and injury; Reduce Disparity in Infant and Maternal Morbidity and Mortality
ALL families in Guilford County raise healthy, resilient children at each phase of development, within a safe and supportive environment.
Early Prenatal Care: Percent of Women in NC (Total) who receive prenatal care in the First Trimester of Pregnancy
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Percent of Women in NC (Total) who receive prenatal care in the First Trimester of Pregnancy has trended in the low 70 percentile since 2015 (with 72.9% receiving early prenatal care in 2015, and 72.0% receiving early prenatal care in 2023).
Indicator Notes
Percent of Women Who Receive Prenatal Care in the First Trimester of Pregnancy.
Why is This Important?
Early prenatal care is associated with lower rates of negative pregnancy outcomes (including low birth weight and infant death).
Early prenatal care includes screening for substance use, chronic conditions (including diabetes and hypertension), and fetal abnormalities.
Wellness visits early in a pregnancy can connect women to social support systems and programs to help them safely navigate pregnancy and optimize potential for healthy pregnancy outcomes. [HNC2030]
References and Links: