Objective 1.1. 85% of newly identified HIV cases are linked to care within 90 days of diagnosis
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Linkage to care is a crucial early step in successful HIV treatment and is typically defined as the completion of a first medical clinic visit after HIV diagnosis. Linkage to care plays a key role in the HIV care continuum—it is a necessary precursor to antiretroviral therapy initiation and viral suppression.
This standard was adopted from the HIV grant standards, Healthy People 2020, PHAB measure 2.1.2 and the department's strategic priorities.
What Works
Changes in staff and challenges working with high-risk populations have led to this measure being below target. The DIS will continue to focus on linking individuals to care within 30 days of diagnosis and to ensure their first appointment is within 90 days. The DIS completed partner services training and anticipates an improvement for this measure.
The result is less than 10% below target, so status is met. However, 96.2% of cases (25/26) received referrals to medical care. The COVID pandemic has impacted our ability to connect with individuals personally which also impacts these numbers
The Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) will meet face-to-face with all newly diagnosed HIV patients in the counties assigned to our region. The DIS will refer all of these individuals to care and will reconnect with those who have not presented to care within 60 days of the referral. The DIS will work with those whp haven't sought care to identify and address barriers.