Objective 1.1. By 2020, the overall infant mortality rate in Stark County will decrease to less than 6 infant deaths per 1,000 live births.
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
The Stark County THRIVE Collaborative Organizational Chart shows the project relationship between funders, supporters, referring agencies, care coordinating agencies, Stark County THRIVE Pathways HUB, funded partners and the community.
What Works
Review specific risk factors of mothers that gave birth; monitor trends. Make recommendations for further interventions.
Action Plan
To reduce the overall infant mortality rate in Stark County, Canton City Public Health will:
- Establish a marketing committee
- Review existing Pathways HUB materials
- Identify and contract vendor
- Design, approve and produce materials
- Coordinate with SARTA, local radio and TV stations and print media for release of information
- Participate in outreach activities in targeted zip codes
- Identify “champions” who have received services from CHWs/HUB who can engage other pregnant women with focus on Black/African American women
- Expand engagement with obstetricians for referrals.
- Daily monitoring of caseloads
- Monthly meetings between HUB Coordinator, CHWs, and CCA Supervisors
- Feedback from client
Evaluator, Dr. Peter Leahy and Dr. Lynn Falletta will analyze de-identified data of clients receiving services through Canton Stark County THRIVE Pathways Community HUB. Data will be presented to evaluation committee for feedback and continuous improvement and release to community during annual community breakfast.