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Strategy 2.4: Promote the development of soft skills and other workplace readiness skills and 2 more... less...


FS-PM 2.4c: % of surveyed clients (youth 14+ and adults) who reported having learned or strengthened skills needed in the workplace including, but not limited to, social skills/teamwork, self-advocacy skills, resilience

FS-PM 2.4c: % of surveyed clients (youth 14+ and adults) who reported having learned or strengthened skills needed in the workplace including, but not limited to, social skills/teamwork, self-advocacy skills, resilience

FS-PM 2.4c: % of surveyed clients (youth 14+ and adults) who reported having learned or strengthened skills needed in the workplace including, but not limited to, social skills/teamwork, self-advocacy skills, resilience

Current Value


FY 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve


The partners whose data is currently aggregated here include:

  • ACCESS: agency-wide
  • NAMI: Wellness Center ("new skills")
  • YSS: Community Youth Development ("leadership skills"), as well as Employment Assistance program ("hard and soft employability skills")

Other agencies are working on helping clients develop these skills, but do not currently survey their clients on whether they feel skills have been gained.

Action Plan

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