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Strategy 3.1: Provide financial education and 1 more... less...


FS-PM 3.1c: # of hours/sessions of financial coaching provided

FS-PM 3.1c: # of hours/sessions of financial coaching provided

Current Value


FY 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

FY20-21 note: The data reported comes from one funded program only. Due to the pandemic, the other program had very few mentors willing to take someone on and only a couple of people who said they wanted a mentor. As such, no hours were logged.


The partners whose data is aggregated here include:

  • Iowa Able
  • Women United - Mentoring
  • Women United - Money Mgmt and Booster Series (as of FY24)

The Salvation Army also provides financial coaching through its Bill Payer Program (now ended) and Representative Payee Program. They average 60+ individuals served per year. However, these programs do not report hours of coaching, thus are not included in this aggregate sum.

Action Plan

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy