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All individuals and families in North Carolina with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches. and 6 more... less...


A condition of well being for children, adults, families, or communities

Beaufort County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.

DRUG OVERDOSE DEATHS All individuals and families in North Carolina with substance use disorder receive person-centered care incorporating evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological approaches.

All people in Johnston County with a Substance Use Disorder have access to equitable substance use resources.

NC State Center for Health Statistics

All people living in Hoke County have equitable access to compassionate mental health, addiction and recovery support services.

Drug Poisoning Death Rate by in NC (Male): Drug Poisoning Deaths per 100,000 population (age adjusted rate)

Current Value




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Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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