All people in North Carolina live in communities that support tobacco-free/e-cigarette-free lifestyles.
All Scotland County residents live in smoke free and drug free communities.
All adults in Harnett County engage in healthy lifestyles.
Richmond County Residents live in tobacco free communities.
All children and youth in Catawba County live in communities that support healthy lifestyles
All in Edgecombe County will be free of chronic disease and will be educated in their choices for food, exercise and well-being.
All Scotland County Youth have positive opportunities to learn, promote and engage in healthy behaviors.
All community members in Hoke County will value a healthy lifestyle.
All Martin county residents live in communities that support tobacco-free/e-cigarette-free lifestyles.
All Wayne County residents live in communities that support tobacco-free/e-cigarette-free lifestyles.
All Cleveland County residents live in communities that support tobacco-free/e-cigarette free lifestyles.
Iredell County residents live in communities that support tobacco free/e-cig free lifestyles
All Northampton County residents live in communities that support tobacco-free/e-cigarette-free lifestyles.
All Craven County residents live in communities that support tobacco free/ e-cigarette free lifestyles.
All people in Onslow County have equitable access to substance use disorder services/resources.
2019 SOTCH Report
All people in Duplin County live in communities that support tobacco free and E- cig free lifestyles
All Surry County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services. HNC 2030 Result Statement
All Anson County residents live in communities that support tobacco-free/e-cigarette-free lifestyles.
All people in Alexander County live in communities that foster and support positive healthy lifestyles.
All people in Davie County live in communities that support tobacco free/e-cigarette-free lifestyles.
All people in North Carolina live in communities that support tobacco-free/e-cigarette-free lifestyles
Result Statement 1
All people in Nash County have equitable access to increased behavioral health/substance use services to promote well-being and decrease stigma.
Sampson County youth and adults are free from substance misuse.
All Beaufort County community members live in a cancer-free community
All children and adolescents will have access to healthy activities
Cherokee County residents are healthy and getting cancer screenings.
State level HNC indicator measures
All people in Duplin County live in a community that supports a nicotine free lifestyle
All Rowan County residents abstain from using any form of tobacco product, including the use of electronic nicotine devices.
All people in Onslow County have resources and health care services to achieve equitable health outcomes.
All Jones County residents live in communities with equitable access to substance use disorder services.
Results Statement 1
All people in Halifax County live in a community that fosters and supports positive mental health and prevention of substance abuse.
All people in Franklin County are physically healthy and living without chronic diseases.
All people in Madison County live in a community that supports substance free lifestyles and positive mental health.
All people of Clay County live long healthy lives.
Stanly County youth and adults are free from substance misuse
All residents of Wilkes County live is communities that support tobacco-free/e-cigarette lifestyles.
Jackson County Residents are Drug Free
All people in Tyrrell County live in communities that support tobacco-free/e-cigarette-free lifestyles.
All people of Martin County will live in a community with better environmental conditions and health to decrease the prevalence of cancer.
All individuals and families in the ARHS service area have wellness and resiliency, free from stigma of mental illness and substance misuse.
All children and youth in Catawba County live in communities that support healthy lifestyles
All people in Stokes County live in communities that support healthy lifestyles.
All people in Northampton County live in a community that supports tobacco free/e-cigarette free lifestyles.
All Pitt County citizens have equitable opportunities to have a healthy lifestyle
All people in Hertford county have a healthy physical and mental lifestyle
All people in Chowan county have access to appropriate health resources
"All people in Pamlico County cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.”
All Wayne County residents have long and healthy lives and live in communities that support tobacco free lifestyles.
All people in Cumberland County live in communities that support tobacco-free and e-cigarette free lifestyles and have access to tobacco cessation services.
All people in Lincoln County live in communities that foster and support healthy lifestyles.
All people in Greene County have affordable, equitable, and stigma-free access to mental health, behavioral health, and substance misuse treatment, community support, and education.
All residents of Union County have equitable access to education, prevention, treatment, and recovery services related to substance use disorder.
All youth in Lee County make better decisions regarding tobacco, vaping, and e-cigarette use.
All residents of Person County have access and awareness of appropriate resources to make positive choices to support mental well-being and to become free from substance misuse.
Reduce commercial tobacco use through healthy environment
Reduce commercial tobacco use, e-cigarette use, vaping under age 21
All people in Duplin County live in a community that supports a nicotine free lifestyle
Tobacco use: Percent of High School Youth Using Tobacco in North Carolina (Total)
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Percent of the state's total high school youth using tobacco was close to 28% from 2015 - 2019.
NC Youth Tobacco Surveys (YTS) are given every two years, however the survey's methodology and response rate changed in 2022. Consequently, data collected in 2022 may not be ccomparable to data from previous years.
Indicator Notes
Tobacco use is the act of consuming tobacco products(e.g., cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco, and e-cigarettes). Measurement of tobacco use includes frequency, amount and type of tobacco product used.
Why is this indicator important?
Tobacco consumption in North Carolina is responsible for a significant amount of disease and death. Tobacco causes significant public and private costs (e.g., financial costs of healthcare, lost productivity), including costs associated with exposure to secondhand smoke.
Nicotine is a highly addictive and dangerous drug found in tobacco products. It is especially dangerous to the health of developing babies. Youth and young adults are also especially vulnerable to the harmful effects of nicotine. [CDC]
Additional Information:
The NC Youth Tobacco Survey measures youth tobacco behaviors every 2 years since 1999. In 2022, NC YTS was collected electronically for the first time (in classrooms). Due to changes in survey methodology and lower response rates, data from 2022 may not be compararable to data from previous years.
The Percent of High School Youth Using Tobacco indicator aligns with HNC2030.
References and Links:
NC SCHS: Statistics and Reports: N.C. Youth Tobacco Survey (youth tobacco survey)