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Vermont Medicaid Program - Telemedicine Questions


Telemedicine (Personal Doctor) - % of respondents who had video and/or telephone visits with their personal doctor and were as satisfied or more satisfied with them as their in-person visits

Current Value




Line Bar

Notes on Methodology

The breakdown of responses for this question for both adults and children can be found in the table below:

Story Behind the Curve

This is a custom question that Vermont Medicaid added to the standard Health Plan 5.1 survey in 2020. This addition was in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the transition that many health care practices made to provide services via telemedicine. Vermont added this question as a way to begin monitoring our beneficiaries' satisfaction with telemedicine services compared to in-person services. Vermont collected survey responses in the last quarter of CY 2020, so the 6 month look-back period referred to in this question was inclusive of the pandemic time period.

The data above indicates that satisfaction with video and/or telephone visits remains high and increased between 2021 and 2022.


  • Vermont health care providers
  • Vermont Program for Quality in Health Care (VPQHC)
  • New England Telehealth Resource Center (NETRC)

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