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Adult Dental Program and 1 more... less...


DVHA Dental Program

% of adults who received preventative service(s) during the measurement year

Current Value


MY 2023


Line Bar

Notes on Methodology

Numerator – Adults aged 21 and older were included if they had a paid claim during the calendar year for any of the following procedures:     

D1110 Prophylaxis – Adult Cleaning

D1206 Topical Fluoride Varnish

D1208 Topical Application of Fluoride


Denominator – Adults aged 21 and older with any eligibility segment during the calendar year which included Medicaid full benefit. 


Story Behind the Curve

As a result of Act 72 passed during the 2019 legislative session, preventive service visits were removed from the annual cap on services effective January 1, 2020. Preventive visits do not require a copayment. Removing preventive visits from the annual cap encourages utilization of preventive services and allows adults up to $1,000 for diagnostic and treatment services.

During 2020, dental offices were closed for several months due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. These changes may have contributed to a decline in the number of adults receiving preventive services. In 2021, adult preventative visits returned to levels observed prior to the public health emergency.

Last updated:  October 2022

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