How long are people remaining homeless? Average length of time homeless during FFY2022
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
What does it measure?
One way of measuring the effectiveness of the continuum of care is by looking at the length of time people remain homeless. In Alameda County we would like to see decreasing lengths of time homeless as a sign that our housing crisis response system is quickly and effectively resolving homelessness.
How does it measure?
In System Performance Measure 1.a, HUD focuses on understanding the length of time people spend homeless and receiving services from interim housing programs. It calculates length of time homeless using all a person’s stays in emergency shelter or transitional housing programs as well as when they exit the housing crisis response system to permanent housing. For more information see the most recent System Performance Measures: Data Submission Guide from HUD.
This performance measure is reported in cumulative, quarterly reporting periods that begin October 1st and end September 30th.