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Strategy 4: High Quality and Efficient Department

DHHS is a high-quality, effective, and efficient department

The Department of Health and Human Services has the administrative infrastructure to support the department’s strategic processes for improvement, innovation, and building public trust.

Utah DHHS operational units and their contracted providers have evidence-based tools, recommendations, and information to promote iterative, high-quality practices and to improve outcomes for Utahns.

DHHS has a culture of continuous quality improvement and innovation through strategic planning, performance management, and collaboration

Percent of DHHS teams engaged in the formal continuous quality improvement process

Current Value


Dec 2023


Line Bar Comparison

Measure Definition

The DHHS Office of Innovation measures engagement by which teams or programs complete the 4 steps of the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) process: (1) identify the team's result or purpose, (2) establish meaningful measures, (3) have improvement goals, and (4) hold accountability sessions around the status of measures and goals. The definition of a team or program for this measure is a group of employees who have a distinct function within the operational unit who have a leader over those employees and that function. There are currently more than 300 identified teams at DHHS, and the Office of Innovation tracks the status of each team. The activities this measure reflects contribute to the strategy that “DHHS is a high-quality, effective, and efficient department.” 

This measure is weighted according to the number of teams within each section. This is based on the following assigned weights:

Community Health and Well-Being, 36%; Operations, 12.5%; Clinical Services, 6.5%; Healthcare Administration, 45%.

Whenever the number of teams change, the assigned weights will be adjusted in the measure calculation. 

Story Behind the Curve

The Utah Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) works to develop a culture of continuous quality improvement at all levels of the organization. As more CQI work was done at the Operational Unit (OU) level, this led to more teams within each OU being identified. As a result, there appear to be declines in the percent of teams involved in the CQI process, but this is a result of the overall number of teams increasing, resulting in a changed dominator.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy