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All people in Franklin County are physically healthy and living without chronic diseases.

Franklin County, NC Heart Disease Mortality Rate Total (% of deaths caused by diseases of the heart)

Current Value




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Story Behind the Curve

Based on the Franklin County Community Health Assessment that was completed in 2021, heart disease was the leading cause of death among Franklin County residents. The data in 2019 shows that a rate of 206.64 per 100,000 people died due to heart disease which is significantly higher than North Carolina heart disease death rate at 190.34 per 100,000 people. There are multiple risk factors that contribute to heart disease, these include: diabetes, obesity, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and excessive alcohol use.  

We were able to identify two factors that may influence the heart disease mortality rate. We believe that by focusing on the prevention of tobacco use and promoting a healthy lifestyle that we can reduce the prevalence of heart disease.  

Tobacco Use 

  • Approximately 21% of adults in Franklin County are smokers, which is 3% higher than the state average. 

  • Cigarette smokers are 2 to 4 times more likely to get heart disease than nonsmokers. 

Obesity Rates 

  • The obesity rate in Franklin County in the year 2019 was 36%.  

  • It was reported that 29.2% of children in Franklin County were considered overweight or obese.  

  • 18.5% of children in Franklin County experience food insecurities that could contribute to unaffordable healthy eating choices.  


Below are some key partners that play an important role in addressing heart disease in Franklin County: 

Franklin County Schools - Franklin County Schools is comprised of 16 schools and serves 7,900+ students from the communities within Franklin County. Franklin County Schools will cultivate a dynamic learning environment focused on success beyond the classroom; preparing, inspiring and illuminating the path so that all students will reach their full potential.  

Franklin County Health Department Clinic - The Franklin County Health Department clinic staff encourages and empowers the community to make healthier choices by providing education, activities and resources that will allow them to have the ability to recognize and address their health needs. The overall goal of this education is to enable the community to change unhealthy habits into healthy habits. 

Franklin County United Way - The United Way of Franklin County brings the people and resources of the community together to help and support those in need. They are committed to children's welfare, the elderly, education, and families. They unite small businesses and corporations, community groups, governments, schools and Franklin County residents to respond to needs as they arise locally. Their mission is to unite people and resources to build a strong community network focused on improving the quality of life by effectively addressing the health, social services and educational needs of the people of Franklin County. 

What Works

The Healthy NC 2030 report identifies levers for change to address tobacco use that reflect the developing efforts in Franklin County: 

  • Increase access to standard-of-care tobacco use treatment 

  • Implement strategies to curb tobacco product advertising and marketing that are appealing to young people 

  • Implement high-impact media campaigns that warn people about the dangers of tobacco use 

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