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Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC)

Percent of pregnant women enrolled in the WIC Program who receive WIC program services during the first trimester of pregnancy

Current Value




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Story Behind the Curve

During the first trimester, the brain is being formed and organs.  It is crucial that during this first trimester, the mother learn about pregnancy and proper nutrition.  The WIC Program provides healthy foods, nutrition education and referrals if needed for prenatal care and care management services.  Being able to educate and help the mother plan for feeding choices also increases the chances of breastfeeding initiation. 

During the years of 2020 - to present, we saw an increase of 3% in women who enrolled in the program early.  This increase may be due in part to State WIC waivers which allowed for people to receive services without physical presence.  


Doctor's offices - referrals

Pitt Infant Mortality Prevention Advisory Counsel (PIMPAC) - members promote; maternity fair (free)

Pitt Partners for Health - promoting WIC at events

Schools - promote to staff /students

Department of Social Services

Internal Partners within the Health Department- prenatal clinic, child health clinic, Nurse Family Partnership, mobile dental unit

Carolina Pregnancy Center

What Works

Collaboration with internal and community programs for referrals.  

Promotions during outreach events, inservices and through social media

Building trust within the community that the WIC Program is a safe space and wants to improve child/maternal health interventions.

Action Plan

Provide brochures and/or inservices to gynecology, pediatrician, family medicine clinics and other agencies in the community that serve low-income and targeted populations.

Continue to promote events at PIMPAC and other internal partners to help get the message out about services. 

Provide information to the school systems to target staff who may be working for low-wages and have additional jobs to help provide for their own families. 

Work with the school to determine how to best serve students who may be pregnant.


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