Story Behind the Measure
The "Story Behind the Curve" helps us understand the causes and forces at that work that explain the data behind [state the performance measure].
[How Much or How Well] What's Helping What We Do? These are the positive forces at work in our strategy/ program that influence how much we do or how well we do it.
Everybody wants to get out and do something post-covid
Parents are focusing on health for their children - fun event
Competitive nature makes event fun
[How Much or How Well] What's Hurting What We Do? These are the negative forces at work in our strategy/program that influence how much we do or how well we do it.
Finding the time/space for the event
Everyone is overworked/busy so finding the time for people to participate
Healthy foods are not always the most popular with children
What Works to Do Better?
The following actions have been identified by our Healthy for Life Action Team, community members and stakeholders as ideas for what can work for this performance measure to make a difference on healthy living.
(A) Actions and Approaches Identified by Our Team These are actions and approaches that we think can make a difference for this performance measure.
Begin pre-planning earlier
Online registration form with QR Code through flyer
Ask for assistance from action team to have more people help with day-of registration, set up, helping students find their spaces, etc
Making registration more simplified
Continue last year's online judging form that tallies
(B) No-cost and Low-cost Ideas Identified by Our Team These are no-cost and low-cost actions and approaches that we think can make a difference for this performance measure.
Seeking grant funding to provide interesting incentives for event (cooking supplies)
(C) What your customers think would work to do better These are actions and approaches that our customers think can make a difference for this performance measure.
Stick to deadline for applications so space can be better planned
(D) List of Questions/Research Agenda These are questions to follow-up on for this performance measure.
Is this event done other places? How do they do it?