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Naloxone Distribution

Number of Naloxone kits distributed

Current Value


Dec 2023



Story Behind the Curve

Per the NC Department of Health and Human Services, just over 4,000 people died from an opioid/substance overdose in 2022. Opioids may be used for pain relief and are frequently used to help with post-operative and chronic pain. During 2023, we distributed several anonymous kits as well as some to community partners for awareness events. 

What helps:

  • Anonymous pick up
  • Opioid program nurse available within county to promote awareness of program and education to local community partners

What hurts:

  • Citizens are unaware of the service and may fear judgement based on a lack of privacy when receiving the medication
  • Citizens may be unaware of medication and what it does to help
  • Providers forget Naloxone is available or unaware of process within facilities


Local Law Enforcement


ECU Health Duplin

Mobile Crisis


Duplin County Schools

Duplin County Health Coalition

What Works

A non-judgemental location and availability of Naloxone at no cost

  • Increased awareness of availability of Narcan in community
  • Improved process that allows more privacy within facilities for people to pick up-pick up locations outside of facilities that are managed
  • More providers utilizing Naloxone distribution programs

Action Plan

  • Notify community partners of the process and availability to receive Naloxone at the LHD
  • Public awareness events and education regarding Naloxone and where to find 

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