Number of organizations or groups who complete training session about trauma-informed care and ACEs
Current Value
Story Behind the Measure
The "Story Behind the Measure" helps us understand the causes and forces at that work that explain the data behind the 'number of organizations or groups who complete training sessions on trauma-informed care and ACEs.' Haywood County Health and Human Services devotes staff time and space for this project, including offering training. Partner organizations wishing to receive training allow time and space for their members and staff to be trained.
What's Helping What We Do? These are the positive forces at work in our Trauma-Informed and ACEs Education Initiative that influence how much we do or how well we do it.
- Buy-in for preventing and addressing trauma
- Organizations have interest in providing trainings to staff and members
What's Hurting What We Do? These are the negative forces at work in our Trauma-Informed and ACEs Education Initiative that influence how much we do or how well we do it.
- Staff and partners would benefit from a more consistent training schedule, including accomodating staff turnover.
- Greater promotion about training sessions is needed.
- There is limited capacity to offer training sessions, as well as for individuals to attend.
- The potentially triggering nature of the topics may affect a person or group's decision to attend or engage in the training.