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NC MedAssist

Number of 30-Day Refills

Current Value





Story Behind the Curve

A large number of uninsured citizens and the population that must prioritize daily needs over needed medications. Additionally, the inability of some citizens to routinely acquire needed medications due to low income.

What's Helping?

  • Provider education on the importance of taking medications daily
  • In-house program coordinator who can explain the program to patients and how to access it; coordinator speaks both Spanish and English
  • Providers aware of program and know how to contact coordinator to assess patient for eligibility

What's hurting?

  • Patient unaware or has low concern for importance of taking medication daily
  • Patient may lose medication
  • Patients not being able to follow up with their providers due to lack of transportation, unable to leave work, lack of concern for their own health, etc.



NC MedAssist

Duplin County DSS

NC Fields

NC DHHS Medication Assistance

What Works

The ability for the populations described above to be able to obtain needed medications at no cost.

  • Patients attending their appointments
  • Patient understanding of the importance of taking medications daily
  • Communication between the patient and provider, as well as provider and NCMedAssist program

Action Plan

Increase community awareness of the NC MedAssist Program through the Duplin County Health Department, work with community partners to inform uninsured populations of the program, and refer those populations to the program as needed. Emphasize the need to continue taking medications versus going weeks or months without medications.

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