All residents of Catawba County will have access to healthy foods.
% residents experiencing food insecurity, Total
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Food insecurity refers to a lack of access, at times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members and limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate foods. Food-insecure households are not necessarily food insecure all the time. Food security may reflect a household's need to make trade-offs between important basic needs, such as housing or medical bills, and purchasing nutritionally adequate foods (Feeding America, 2020).
Low-income census tracts where a significant number or share of residents are more than ½ or 1 mile (urban) or 10 miles (rural) from the nearest supermarket, also referred to as food deserts, are included in the Food Access Research Atlas map below.
Feeding America. (2023). Map the Meal Gap, Catawba County. Retrieved on March 3, 2023 from
United States Department of Agriculture. (2022). Food Access Research Atlas. Retrieved on March 30, 2022 from
Catawba County Public Health - WIC
Catawba County Social Services - SNAP and Senior Nutrition
Catawba County Public Health Farmers Market
Downtown Hickory Farmers Market
Conover Farmers Market
Greater Hickory Cooperative Christian Ministry
Eastern Catawba Cooperative Christian Ministry
Hickory Soup Kitchen
Corner Table
Cooperative Extension
Catawba County Food Council
School Districts
What Works
In 2020, the Catawba County Food Council selected the overarching strategies of community gardens and farmers markets to support equitable access to health foods and culturally appropriate resources. The strategy selection process included the work group members rating each strategy idea as high, medium, or low on the criteria of leverage (short-term: 3 years, intermediate: 3 to 5 years, and long-term: 10 years), feasibility, values, and specificity. The work group then reviewed the rating survey results, discussed each strategy, identified the overarching strategies based on related themes of the strategies selected, and determined, based on the criteria and rankings, which strategies should not be included in the community health improvement plan.
In 2021, the Catawba County Food Council updated their overarching strategies to target food pantries and farmers markets. The Food Council had met with volunteers with community gardens and found that the majority of gardens were already donating produce within the community and were accessible to local community members. The Food Council met with the two largest food pantries, Greater Hickory Cooperative Christian Ministry (GHCCM) and Eastern Catawba Cooperative Christian Ministry (ECCCM) to assess culturally appropriate foods and resources and identify education needs for community members.
What are the programs and/or interventions recognized as best practices?
SNAP Double Bucks/ Double Dollars programs
Education for food pantries to share on how to use frequently received foods and food safety
Expansion of grocery stores into food deserts
What are potential low cost and/or no cost ideas for immediate improvements?
Contacting local volunteers and experts to provide education
Convening all partners and community members to discuss food access
Hosting healthy cooking demonstrations at the farmers markets
Partnering with the YMCA to use their mobile kitchen for healthy cooking techniques
Promoting available resources (farmers markets, community gardens, food pantries, etc.)
Promoting awareness of programs and resources available related to food access
Sharing information on healthy eating and resources with the childcare community
Social media campaigns
What data is needed to better inform the work?
Dollar amount of SNAP Double Bucks redeemed
Number of people receiving SNAP Double Bucks
Number of adults who eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables daily at the county level
Number of grocery stores near food deserts and/or number of corner or convenience stores in food deserts
At the Catawba County Food Council meeting on January 24, 2022, work group members reviewed and updated their current strategies based on what was working well, what was not working well and/or could be removed or changed, and how these strategies impact health disparities in Catawba County.
Strategies: Food Pantries
Develop education for food pantries on:
Food safety (thawing, freezing, temperatures, safe storage)
Food preservation (freezing)
Easy, family friendly recipes using commodity foods
Translate recipes into Spanish and other languages as needed
Strategies: Farmers Markets
Maintain and sustain farmers market SNAP Double Bucks and WIC Bonus Buck programs
Find sustainable funding
Educate community on SNAP/EBT use and Double Bucks programs at farmers markets
Community health worker position at Hickory Farmers Market
Expand number of farmers and farmers markets that accept SNAP/EBT
Educate local farmers at farmers markets and hobby farmers on how to donate their fresh produce to food pantries
Virtual education on SNAP/EBT