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All Utahns have improved health outcomes - both physical and mental and 2 more... less...


All Utahns have equitable access to timely, evidence based, and cost-effective healthcare services and supports that meet individual needs, are integrated, and outcome driven.

Children, adults, families and communities experience improved health and social functioning, and a reduction in harms associated with substance use and mental health challenges

Rate of suicide deaths, per 100,000 Utahns

Current Value




Line Bar Comparison

Measure Definition

This measure reflects Utah suicide deaths per 100,000 population.

Source: Utah Death Certificate Database, OVRS Rates of injury deaths (filter: suicide) per 100,000 population. 

Story Behind the Curve

There was a slight decrease in the number of Utahns who died by suicide from 2017 to 2021, but this change is not statistically significant. Suicides increased in 2022.

Not shown: Utah's suicide rate continues to be significantly higher than the U.S. rate. The rate of male suicides is significantly higher than the rate of female suicides in both Utah and the U.S. (

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