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Rate of infant mortality in Utah, per 1,000 births
Current Value
Measure Definition
This measure shows the infant death rate in Utah. The infant death rate is the number of infants who died before their first birthday (age 364 days or less) per 1,000 live births. Healthy People 2030 Objective MICH-02 aims to reduce the infant mortality rate to 5.0 infant deaths per 1,000 live births.
Data is reported annually.
Story Behind the Curve
Infant deaths are devastating losses that impact many families and communities in Utah each year. The infant mortality rate is an important measure of a nation's health and a worldwide indicator of health status and social well-being. The top 4 causes of infant death in Utah are perinatal conditions (including preterm birth), birth defects, medical conditions of the infant, and sudden unexpected infant death (SUID). Keeping a watch on infant mortality shows us how to improve maternal and infant health and health behaviors. Utah’s infant mortality rate has gone down over the past 30 years; however, disparities in infant mortality rates continue to be disproportionally experienced among American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander communities. Surveillance also identifies gaps in the health care system, social services, health care access, and the quality of prenatal and postnatal care.
Infant mortality prevention efforts are supported by the multidisciplinary Perinatal Mortality Review and Child Fatality Review committees, the Utah Birth Defect Network, the Utah Women and Newborns Quality Collaborative (UWNQC), local health departments, and community partners.
What Works
Prevention of infant deaths is complex and requires a joint effort between state and local health agencies, healthcare providers, and communities. Prevention opportunities may include education on how to prevent birth defects; instruction on how to have a healthy pregnancy; ways to improve access to quality pre-pregnancy, prenatal, and pediatric care; how to create a safe infant sleep environment; and the use of newborn screening to find hidden conditions.
The Utah Department of Health and Human Services conducts ongoing infant mortality surveillance through the Perinatal Mortality Review and Child Fatality Review programs. The Utah Women and Newborns Quality Collaborative (UWNQC) addresses issues of quality improvement in maternal and infant health care.
The following services are available to improve maternal and infant health:
Baby Your Baby Hotline (1-800-826-9662): A resource to answer pregnancy-related questions and find services for the public.
Power Your Life: Public education to promote optimal health prior to pregnancy.
Tobacco cessation: The following resources are available to pregnant women to help with quitting tobacco use:
Tobacco Quit Line: 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)
MotherToBaby (Phone—1-866-626-6847 / Text—1-855-999-3525): A service to answer questions about what medications are safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.