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Build and maintain DHHS as a high-quality and trusted organization

The public has trust in DHHS

The Department of Health and Human Services has the administrative infrastructure to support the department’s strategic processes for improvement, innovation, and building public trust.

DHHS Organizational Units have minimized hazard, operational and strategic risk, while maximizing the means by which their objectives can be accomplished

DHHS decision makers receive timely and accurate information; DHHS employees work in a supported environment; and there is trust in DHHS stewardship of public funds

Number of DHHS audit recommendations unresolved after one year

Current Value


Q3 2024


Line Bar

Measure Definition

This measure reflects the number of audit recommendations that are still unresolved after one year from the date the recommendation was made.  To be resolved, a recommendation must be implemented, determined that it no longer is applicable, or show justification for why it will not be implemented.

Story Behind the Curve

Some audit recommendations may take time to implement, and as such there is not an expectation for this measure to be zero.  The goal for this measure is to have five or less unresolved recommendations at a given time. If it exceeds this amount, a decrease over time towards the goal indicates improvement. The measure has trended upward over the past year as more audits have been performed with a large number of recommendations.  These have been added more quickly than recommendations are being implemented, creating the general upward trend.  They did go down the last quarter as internal audit has dedicated additional resources to follow-up and helping OUs close out their recommendations.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy