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The people of Utah can rely on the Division of Population Health (DPH) to prevent and respond to public health concerns.

Percent of Utahns (adults, ≥18) who have received a seasonal flu vaccine.

Current Value




Line Bar Comparison

Measure Definition

Influenza vaccination coverage (crude rate) by flu season among adults 18 and older in Utah. 

Data considerations: 

 Statistical significance was determined by comparing the confidence intervals (listed in the comment) of each year to the prior year. If the confidence intervals overlapped the change was not considered significant. 

National data: End-of-Season Influenza Vaccination Coverage by Season among adults 18 years and older in the United States is used as our national comparison. It's important to note however, that the Utah data is based on vaccines received in the calendar year, and the national data is based on vaccines for each flu season, which measures vaccination given from the beginning of July to the end of May the following year. 


Data Sources: Utah Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Office of Public Health Assessment, Utah Department of Health

Story Behind the Curve

Despite seeing a slight (non-significant) decrease in adult flu vaccination in 2021, the percentage of Utah adults who receive a flu vaccination remains above pre-pandemic percentages. 

The 48% target vaccination rate is based on the national adult vaccination rate calculated from a 5-year average of US BRFSS data. 


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