How Much - # of children placed in low cost child care
Current Value
How are we doing on the data?
- More Latino children are enrolled in LCCC than any other group, but the enrollment number is steadily declining
- African American or Black students are the second largest group the first two report periods but were third largest in the most recent report
- The data show African American or Black students are underrepresentation
- White students saw a 120% increase in enrollment the last report period from the prio period
- The fewest number of children enrolled in LCCC are Asian American Pacific Islander
Story Behind the Curve
- What factors are promoting racial disparities to deepen? Why?
- There are not enough child care centers operating in the North and East sides of the city, which are historically areas with high concentrations of African American or Black and White populations
- The reimbursement rate for child care subsidies is low, making profitability for child care centers extremely difficult if they only serve students on a subsidy basis
- There are not enough child care centers operating in the North and East sides of the city, which are historically areas with high concentrations of African American or Black and White populations
- What factors are preventing racial disparities from deepening? Why?
- Child care center access continues to be more available on the West side of town, which has hisotorically been a part of the city with a high concentration of Hispanic or Latino families
- City Council
- Child care subsidy program for the city
- Private child care centers
- Elected offiicials to the state legislature
What Works
- Help child care centers to offer more low cost child care slots by identifying additional funding streams to cover the costs
- Create targeted messaging for African American or Black families and white families to ensure they know about the potential and availabilityin the North and East sides of town
- Support more child care centers to open their doors