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Students During the Past 12 Months Who Reported at Least Once They Actually Attempted Suicide (6-12 grade)

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Story Behind the Curve

Overview: Not everyone who is at risk for suicide may show the following warning signs, however, some warning signs may include:

  • Talking about suicide, wanting to die, or disappear
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Giving away belongings
  • Talking, writing, or drawings about death
  • Isolation from friends or family
  • Talking about being a burden to others or not belonging

Resources to prevent suicide include:

Vulnerable Populations: According to the CDC, during 2019-2021 in the U.S. reports of suicide attempts during the 12 months before the survey was unchanged among male, however, it significantly increased among female students. Increases in reports of suicide attempts were seen among White female students and 10th-grade female students. In addition, in 2021, Black female students were more likely than White female students to report having attempted suicide. Also in 2021, American Indian/ Alaskan Native and Black male students reports of attempted suicide were significantly higher than those of White male students. LGBTQ+ students also reported higher attempts than heterosexual students.


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