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Vermont Department of Health - Cardiovascular Disease Program

# of Vermonters at risk for heart disease who complete the Blood Pressure Management Program

Current Value


Q1 2023


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Story Behind the Curve

Last Updated: May 2023

Author: Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Vermont Department of Health

The Vermont Department of Health (VDH) Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention took on adminstration of My Healthy Vermont (MHVT) in the fall of 2021 with funding from the Vermont Blurprint for Health. The VDH team has been working with MHVT self-management regional coordinators (RCs) and Blueprint for Health program managers to offer statewide workshops serving more Vermonters.  


There were no Blood Pressure Managment (BPM) workshops offered in Q2 of the 21/22 grant year, and a sharp increase in programs offered in Q3. This is likely becuase MHVT offered a new BPM faciliator training in Q3, and RCs were eager to offer BPM workshops to allow newly trained facilitators the opportunity to hold a workshop.

Why Is This Important?

MHVT self-management worshop offerings have historically fluctuated throughtout the year depending on facilitator availability, budgetary considerations, and participant interest.


  • MHVT Self-Management Regional Coordinators and Program Managers from partnering health service areas (HSAs)
  • MHVT workshop faciliatators
  • Vermont Blueprint for Health
  • Support and Services at Home (SASH)
  • Hark Web Design
  • Professional Data Analysts
  • Vermont Diabetes Prevention Coalition
  • Vermont Department of Health Chronic Disease Designees

What Works

MHVT self-management workshops are primarily offered remotely post-COVID. This has allowed for increased accessibility and flexibility and reduced limitations in offerings due to lack of enrollment. MHVT Regional Coordiantors have been asked to offer more BPMs in this year. With the support of the Vermont Blueprint for Health, all workshops are offered free of charge for any Vermonter who can benefit. 

Action Plan

The goal is to serve more Vermonters by offering MHVT workshops, including BPM, consistently throughout the year with at least one workshop starting per month. This will ensure short wait times for participation. As workshop consistency continues to grow, MHVT is exploring opportunities to work with healthcare providers to ensure patients are aware of the MHVT resource and that barriers to participation are dismantled. 

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