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High school graduates obtain a post-secondary degree, certification or credential

5.2 % of Promise Neighborhood students who graduate from a a two-year or four year college or university or vocational certificate completion - GPRA Data and Narrative Entry.

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GPRA Definition

GPRA 5.2 Number and percent of Promise Neighborhood students who graduate from a two-year or four-year college or university or vocational certification completion.

Definition. College, university, and vocational certification completion. This includes the number and percentage of former high school graduates from the target high schools who graduated from their post-secondary institutions (i.e., community college or associate’s programs, four-year college and universities, and technical or vocational programs held separate from colleges or universities) within 100 and 150 percent of traditional completion time. The traditional length of time for associate’s degrees is two years after first enrolling (or 100 percent time). Students who complete in 150 percent of time will take three years. For four-year colleges and universities, 100 percent traditional completion time is within four years and completing with 150 percent translates into graduating six years after entering. For vocational and technical programs and certificates, the traditional length of time depends on the particular program.


Local Definition. Number and percentage of graduates from Thurgood Marshall high school that graduated from a post-secondary institution with a certificate, associate, or bachelor's degree within 100 and 150 percent of traditional completion time from the four relevant graduation cohorts. 100 and 150 percent of traditional completion time for certificates determined by the specific school's recommended completion time and the 150 completion time may not be applicable to all certificate programs. For each reporting period, the highest degree obtained so far for a participant that was completed within 100 or 150 percent of completion time was used.

Data Profile

Data compiled from National Student Clearinghouse


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Target Description & Source


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Solutions and Cradle to Career Pipeline Location

Student Success Navigators -  Student navigators prepare individualized plans for enrolled Hope Zone participants that identify needs, existing services in place, family dynamics, and educational outcome aims. Student Success Navigators connect participants to resources and services in the community and serve as the point-of-contact for participants or their families when barriers are impeding access to services. Each Student Success Navigator carries a caseload of 60 children/youth.

Sinclair @ Hope Center - At the Hope Center for Families, Sinclair College offers certificate programs and other learning opportunities including:

  •  Allied health instruction
  •  Fast Forward Center - staff directly impact prevention stop-out, a program to help students obtain their high school diploma or obtain a GED. Fast Forward Center also provides advising for pre-college students to encourage transition to higher education.
  • A work-based learning center connects students with apprenticeships, internships, and other experiential learning opportunities.
  • Scholarships and financial advising

PACCE - Gates Foundation initiative for blueprint for pathways for college completion and career readiness: computer science/IT careers, health, advanced manufacturing and postsecondary education (K-16). Pathway programs are being built out for other in-demand career areas in an effort to maximize employment possibilities for students. PACCE will also include the utilization of YouScience, a program designed to help students chart their path from “I don’t know” to a feeling of confidence about their future career direction. By completing a series of fun and engaging brain games, students learn where their natural strengths are and how they can leverage their strengths in college and beyond.

EMPath Mobility Mentoring - Mobility Mentoring® is an evidence-based coaching approach that allows providers to partner with families and individuals and help them acquire the resources, skills and sustained behavior changes necessary to attain and preserve their economic independence. Developed by Economic Mobility Pathways (EMPath), a Boston-based nonprofit, EMPath is known worldwide for their coaching approach, founded on the belief that each pathway out of poverty is different. Recognizing the need to shift the way human services delivery is done, EMPath turned to the brain science behind poverty and what the science tells us is poverty and stress compromise the skills and behaviors most necessary for people to lift themselves out of poverty. In response to this finding, EMPath has developed Mobility Mentoring and The Bridge to Self-Sufficiency®. Omega CDC will offer EMPath Mobility Mentoring out of its Hope Center for Families.

Ready 4 Work -  Omega CDC utilizes the JIST curriculum in partnership with the Montgomery County Business Services - Workforce Division to assist participants in navigating employment barriers by teaching them how to prepare a resume and participate in an interview.

Scholar University - Omega CDC initiated Scholar University in 2022 as an opportunity to close our cradle-to-career continuum after providing expanded learning in K-6 from 2017-2021 and scaling to grades 7th-8th in the 2021-2022 year. In academic year 2022-2023, Scholar University began serving transitioning 9th grade scholars with the intention to scale and close the pipeline through grade 12 to college and career during the Hope Zone project. Scholar University focuses on high school transition programs by employing career pathway programs to assess the interests and aptitudes of students in the middle grades. The program then creates coursework and program infrastructures that allow students to seamlessly progress through their academic work starting in high school and continuing to and through credential and degree completion.

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