8. Student mobility rate - All Schools - GPRA Data and Narrative Entry
Current Value
GPRA Definition
GPRA 8. Student mobility rate
Definition. The student mobility rate is defined as the number of student entries and withdraws at target Promise Neighborhood schools, from the first day of official enrollment is collected until the end of the academic school year, divided by the first official enrollment count of the academic year. The student mobility rate should be an aggregated statistic to include all the target Promise Neighborhood schools.
Local Definition. The student mobility rate is defined as the total number of student entries and withdraws at Fairview Elementary, Edwin Joel Brown Middle School and Thurgood Marshall High School, from the first day of official enrollment is collected until the end of the academic school year, divided by the first official enrollment count of the academic year for all three schools.
Data Profile
Dayton Public Schools
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Target Description & Source
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Solutions and Cradle to Career Pipeline Location
Student Success Navigators - Student navigators prepare individualized plans for enrolled Hope Zone participants that identify needs, existing services in place, family dynamics, and educational outcome aims. Student Success Navigators connect participants to resources and services in the community and serve as the point-of-contact for participants or their families when barriers are impeding access to services. Each Student Success Navigator carries a caseload of 60 children/youth.
Family Resource Coordinators - Omega CDC employs Family Resource Coordinator at Fairview Elementary, EJ Brown Middle, and Thurgood Marshall High to build relationships with people within and outside the school to engage faculty, staff, students, and families serving as a liaison for neighborhood residents, associations, nonprofits, businesses, religious organizations, and other potential partners.
Dayton Children's Hospital @ Hope Center - The Hope Center for Families boasts a pediatric clinic on site for easy access to pediatric services.
Goodwill Easter Seals Mental Health Services - In cooperation with Scholars of Hope, Goodwill offers Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Health children/youth and mental health services for adults at the Hope Center for Families.
School Resiliency Coordinators (DCH) - Dayton Children’s Hospital employs School Resiliency Coordinators in 3 Dayton schools (Fairview, EJ Brown and Thurgood) which offer school-based resiliency care coordination services to children and families with mental health, environmental, physical, recreational, and social needs.
Food Outreach Program - Miami Valley Meals is a chef-led effort to recover and transform donated food into prepared meals for distribution to serve the hungry, free of charge. Members of Omega Baptist Church volunteer to identify food insecure households and distribute weekly meals.
Dayton Cooks! - Dayton Cooks! provides daily hot meals in Scholars of HOPE after school program.
Parent Cafe - Parent Café engages parents and caregivers in meaningful conversations about what matters most – their family and how to strengthen that family by building protective factors. Parent Café series are three sessions in length and are offered in the evenings or on weekends to accommodate working parents/caregivers. Through the Parent Café sessions, parents and caregivers share concerns related to raising their children, the community or job loss, and the need for socialization with other parents going through similar situations that can provide a positive influence and support in their lives. The Parent Café structure includes a full family style meal and child care for all participants at each session. Parent Cafés are offered at Fairview Elementary, EJ Brown Middle School, and 0-5 Families at Play on Purpose sites.
EMPath Mobility Mentoring - Mobility Mentoring® is an evidence-based coaching approach that allows providers to partner with families and individuals and help them acquire the resources, skills and sustained behavior changes necessary to attain and preserve their economic independence. Developed by Economic Mobility Pathways (EMPath), a Boston-based nonprofit, EMPath is known worldwide for their coaching approach, founded on the belief that each pathway out of poverty is different. Recognizing the need to shift the way human services delivery is done, EMPath turned to the brain science behind poverty and what the science tells us is poverty and stress compromise the skills and behaviors most necessary for people to lift themselves out of poverty. In response to this finding, EMPath has developed Mobility Mentoring and The Bridge to Self-Sufficiency®. Omega CDC will offer EMPath Mobility Mentoring out of its Hope Center for Families.