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Students have access to 21st century learning tools

10.c. % of students who have school and home access to broadband internet and a connected computing - GPRA Data and Narrative Entry

Current Value




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GPRA Definition

GPRA 10. Number and percent of students who have school and home access to broadband internet and a connected computing device.

Definition. Students can have access to the internet via computing devices like desktops or laptops provided in a computer lab or during their regular English class. Students could also have access to the internet at school or at home using tablets (e.g., iPads), cell phones or smart phones (i.e., Wi-Fi or 3G/4G mobile device), and through video game systems like the Wii, TV/cable packages, e-readers, and MP3 players. For the purposes of this GPRA indicator, students who have access through any of these types of technologies both at home and at school qualify as having access.

Temp Local Definition. EJ Brown Middle School students participating in the Scholars of Hope afterschool program were asked on a program survey 'Do you have access to Broadband Internet and a device (laptop, computer, Chromebook,etc.) at school?' and 'Do you have access to Broadband Internet and a device (laptop, computer, Chromebook,etc.) at home?'. If they responded with 'a little' or higher, they were counted as having internet access for that category (home or school).

Data Profile

Baseline data from spring 2023 afterschool program survey questions for just students enrolled in the Scholars of Hope program in middle school. Questions are different than the school climate survey. We intend to use School Climate Survey in the future to capture this information.

Click Here to link to the applicable School Climate Survey Information Document in Section D on the first Scorecard.  You can click on the link to review the information and enter GPRA specific data information or collection challenges.

Target Description & Source


Click Here to access or upload your Data Plan and approved targets.

Solutions and Cradle to Career Pipeline Location

Student Success Navigators -  Student navigators prepare individualized plans for enrolled Hope Zone participants that identify needs, existing services in place, family dynamics, and educational outcome aims. Student Success Navigators connect participants to resources and services in the community and serve as the point-of-contact for participants or their families when barriers are impeding access to services. Each Student Success Navigator carries a caseload of 60 children/youth.

Family Resource Coordinators -  Omega CDC employs Family Resource Coordinator at Fairview Elementary, EJ Brown Middle, and Thurgood Marshall High to build relationships with people within and outside the school to engage faculty, staff, students, and families serving as a liaison for neighborhood residents, associations, nonprofits, businesses, religious organizations, and other potential partners.

Housing - The Hope Zone project will enable economic impact across housing development and homeownership repair programs with matching funds, which will entail a $3.6M investment in the demolition, rehabilitation or construction of at least 360 new, decent, safe and affordable units to address the substandard housing available to families.

EMPath Mobility Mentoring - Mobility Mentoring® allows providers to partner with families and individuals and help them acquire the resources, skills and sustained behavior changes necessary to attain and preserve their economic independence. Developed by Economic Mobility Pathways (EMPath), a Boston-based nonprofit, EMPath is known worldwide for their coaching approach, founded on the belief that each pathway out of poverty is different. Recognizing the need to shift the way human services delivery is done, EMPath turned to the brain science behind poverty and what the science tells us is poverty and stress compromise the skills and behaviors most necessary for people to lift themselves out of poverty. In response to this finding, EMPath has developed Mobility Mentoring and The Bridge to Self-Sufficiency®. Omega CDC will offer EMPath Mobility Mentoring out of its Hope Center for Families.

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