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Children are Healthy

6. % of children who consume five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily - GPRA Data and Narrative Entry

Current Value





GPRA Definition

GPRA 6. Number and percent of children who consume five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

Definition. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) contains a nationally validated set of survey questions about fruit/vegetable consumption for youth. However, it asks about the number of times a day each youth consumed fruits and vegetables during the previous week rather than the number of daily servings (as the original GPRA was written). Promise Neighborhoods should collect information about the number of times a day middle and high school students at the target Promise Neighborhood schools consumed fruits and vegetables during the past seven days instead using these questions.

Local Definition. Number & Percent of children who consumed fruits or vegetables an average of 5 or more times per day during the past week based on survey responses at Edwin Joel Brown Middle School & Thurgood Marshall High School using modified versions of the YRBS questions mentioned above.

Data Profile


Click Here to link to the applicable School Climate Survey Information Document in Section D on the first Scorecard.  You can click on the link to review the information and enter GPRA specific data information or collection challenges.

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