6. % of children who consume five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily - GPRA Data and Narrative Entry
Current Value
GPRA Definition
GPRA 6. Number and percent of children who consume five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
Definition. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) contains a nationally validated set of survey questions about fruit/vegetable consumption for youth. However, it asks about the number of times a day each youth consumed fruits and vegetables during the previous week rather than the number of daily servings (as the original GPRA was written). Promise Neighborhoods should collect information about the number of times a day middle and high school students at the target Promise Neighborhood schools consumed fruits and vegetables during the past seven days instead using these questions.
Temp Local Definition. The average of the total number of child responding at their well-child visits that they ate 2+ servings a day for fruits and 2+ servings a day for vegetables for zip codes 45405 and 45406 divided by the number of children that responded for zip codes 45405 and 45406.
Data Profile
Baseline data from well-child visits for Dayton Children’s Hospital locations within 45405/45406. We intend to use a School Climate Survey in the future to capture this information to match the GPRA definition.
Click Here to link to the applicable School Climate Survey Information Document in Section D on the first Scorecard. You can click on the link to review the information and enter GPRA specific data information or collection challenges.
Target Description & Source
Click Here to access or upload your Data Plan and approved targets.
Solutions and Cradle to Career Pipeline Location
Student Success Navigators - Student navigators prepare individualized plans for enrolled Hope Zone participants that identify needs, existing services in place, family dynamics, and educational outcome aims. Student Success Navigators connect participants to resources and services in the community and serve as the point-of-contact for participants or their families when barriers are impeding access to services. Each Student Success Navigator carries a caseload of 60 children/youth.
Housing - The Hope Zone project will enable economic impact across housing development and homeownership repair programs with
matching funds, which will entail a $3.6M investment in the demolition, rehabilitation or construction of at least 360 new, decent, safe and affordable units to address the substandard housing
available to families.
Dayton Children's Hospital @ Hope Center - The Hope Center for Families boasts a pediatric clinic on site for easy access to pediatric services.
Dayton Cooks - Dayton Cooks! provides daily hot meals in Scholars of HOPE after school program.
Food Outreach - Miami Valley Meals is a chef-led effort to recover and transform donated food into prepared meals for distribution to serve the hungry, free of charge. Members of Omega Baptist Church volunteer to identify food insecure households and distribute weekly meals.