GPRA Definition
Additional Measure #1. Number and percent of preterm births
Definition. Number and percent of preterm births in 45405/45406 provided by Department of Epidemiology at Public Health - Dayton & Montgomery County.
Data is delayed a year due to data still being updated after the year closes.
Data Profile
Data source: All data collected and analyzed were derived from the Ohio Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics,Data Ohio Portal, Resident Birth files (2021-2023). Data are preliminary as of May 23, 2024 and are subject to change as new and/or updated information is received. Numbers provided here were developed by the Department of Epidemiology at Public Health - Dayton & Montgomery County.
Target Description & Source
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Solutions and Cradle to Career Pipeline Location
Moms2B - Moms2B is an innovative, community-based pregnancy program for low-income women focused on improving the health status of at-risk communities; empowering pregnant women to deliver full-term, healthy babies; reducing the number of low birthweight infants; reducing infant mortality and eliminating racial and economic disparities. Moms2B provides weekly education and support sessions to promote healthy lifestyle choices and link moms with support services. Education topics focus on breastfeeding, child development, family planning, goal setting, labor and delivery, maternal-infant health, positive parenting, reproductive health, and safe sleep. Classes will be provided weekly by Omega Baptist Church.
Maternal Family Coaching - Moms2B participants will participate in an evidence-based coaching approach, Mobility Mentoring® allows providers to partner with families and individuals and help them acquire the resources, skills and sustained behavior changes necessary to attain and preserve their economic independence. Developed by Economic Mobility Pathways (EMPath), a Boston-based nonprofit, EMPath is known worldwide for their coaching approach, founded on the belief that each pathway out of poverty is different. Recognizing the need to shift the way human services delivery is done, EMPath turned to the brain science behind poverty and what the science tells us is poverty and stress compromise the skills and behaviors most necessary for people to lift themselves out of poverty. In response to this finding, EMPath has developed Mobility Mentoring and The Bridge to Self-Sufficiency®. Omega CDC will offer EMPath Mobility Mentoring out of its Hope Center for Families.
Help Me Grow Brighter Futures Home Visiting - Help Me Grow Brighter Futures provides pregnancy and parenting support programs including with a focus on children 2 and under with developmental delays through the Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) and Healthy Families America (HFA) programs. HFA focuses on pregnant women and their families with children up to age 3. HFA promotes child well-being and prevents the abuse and neglect of children by delivering home visiting services that empower families and communities. NFP supports first time mothers and mothers with multiple children who are considered high risk. NFP supports first-time mothers by offering specially trained nurses to regularly visit vulnerable moms, starting early in the pregnancy and continuing up to age 3.
Fiver Rivers (Centering Pregnancy) - Evidence-based programs includes group education on pregnancy nutrition, prenatal care, fetus and infant development, breastfeeding, avoidance of risky behaviors and completion of prenatal care, improving birth outcomes.
DCH @ Hope Center - The Hope Center Health, for Families boasts a pediatric clinic on site for easy access to pediatric services.