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All people in Madison County live in a community that supports access to affordable, nutritious foods and physical activity opportunities.

% of Adults at Healthy Weight (Headline Measure)

Current Value




Line Bar

Story Behind the Indicator

The "Story Behind the Curve" helps us understand why the data on the percent of adults at a healthy weight is the way that it is in our community. When we understand the root causes of our community problems, we have a better chance of finding the right solutions, together.

What's Helping? These are the positive forces at work in our community and beyond that influence this issue in our community.


What's Hurting? These are the negative forces at work in our community and beyond that influence this issue in our community.

  • Increase in screen time
  • Long commutes
  • Fast paced lifestyle
  • No Intramural Sports/ cost associated with sports programs
  • Lack of exercise facilities and physical activity options
  • Increased stress
  • Sedentary employment
  • Transportation/ access to healthy foods
  • Healthy food options at food banks
  • Pride and accepting assistance
  • Lack of referrals to local education/interventions
  • Cost and continued rising costs (of food and living)
  • Mass media and perceptions of food
  • Lack of funding for interventions
  • Distance to physical activity options
  • COVID-19 pandemic
  • Lack of education about healthy foods
  • Lack of Dieticians
  • Lack of diabetes education classes
  • Not getting annual check-ups and testing
  • Health literacy and access to resources

Partners With a Role to Play

Strategies Considered & Process

Programs/Strategies were selected in consultation with Healthy Eating Active Living Team (HEAL).  Since our priority health areas only changed slightly during the 2021 Community Health Assessment, consideration was given first to current actions and outcomes. Criteria for new program selection included feasibility, resource availability, community will and alignment with community values. 


The following actions have been identified by our partners and community members as ideas for what can work for our community to make a difference on Healthy Eating/Healthy Weight and Diabetes.


Actions and Approaches Identified by Our Partners These are actions and approaches that our partners think can make a difference on Healthy Eating/Healthy Weight and Diabetes.

  • Healthy food options sent home with school children
  • Affordable local options for indoor exercise
  • Senior, diabetic, or healthy food boxes available to everyone
  • Community screenings for diabetes
  • Playground/ Walking Trail at Medical Park Drive
  • Education on hidden sugars and how foods convert to sugar

What is Currently Working in Our Community These are actions and approaches that are currently in place in our community to make a difference on Healthy Eating/Healthy Weight and Diabetes.

  • HEAL Team
  • Walk with Ease
  • Healthy Living Mobile Market
  • Healthy Living Programs at Library (MadCo Miles)
  • Youth food prep and healthy eating programs
  • Diabetes Educator Hot Spring Health Program
  • Diabetes Education (Outland Family Clinic)


Evidence-Based Strategies These are actions and approaches that have been shown to make a difference on active living and healthy eating.

Name of Strategy Reviewed

Level of Intervention 

Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs

Living Healthy LOSRC

Interpersonal, community

Activity Programs for older adults

Interpersonal, community

Community Gardens

Community, policy

School-based programs to increase physical activity


Community Health Worker Diabetes Education

Interpersonal, community

National Diabetes Prevention Program

National Diabetes Prevention Program CDC

Interpersonal, community

Community Awareness Campaign

Interpersonal, community

Faith Based Model for Rural Diabetes Prevention and Management

Interpersonal, community, institutional


Process for Selecting Priority Strategies

The Healthy Eating Active Living team members discussed root causes for obesity, unhealthy eating, and diabetes as well as explored various evidence-based strategies to address the issue.  Factors considered in the discussion included feasibility, resources required, and community will and values.  The group decided to continue Walk with Ease and Cooking Matters as strategies and programs to make a difference in Madison County over the next several years and added Diabetes Education Videos as a new strategy.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy