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Healthcare Access, Eligibility & Enrollment Unit (HAEEU) and 1 more... less...

Healthcare Access, Eligibility & Enrollment Unit (HAEEU)

% of customer requests resolved in 10 business days

Current Value


Sep 2024


Line Bar

Notes on Methodology

Story Behind the Curve

This performance measure is important because it measures the speed at which customer requests (Service requests) are processed. All Vermonters who are served by DVHA-HAEEU should expect that their requests will be addressed promptly with this self-identified target. 

The data includes requests related to Qualified Health Plan (QHP) and MAGI-Medicaid members in the Vermont Health Connect (VHC) system as well as those related to Medicaid for the Aged, Blind and Disabled (MABD) members in Green Mountain Care (GMC) programs in the State's legacy ACCESS system.  Our long-term strategy for GMC cases is to have one system that will enable staff to meet the targets more easily for all populations.

Customer requests are being resolved within 10 business days over 95% of the time, and results are currently above our goal and within an acceptable rate.

Narrative last updated:  04/29/24


HAEEU’s ongoing strategy for VHC cases is to monitor weekly results and resolve 95% or greater of the requests within 10 days. If the metric dips below 95%, we convene a business team to determine the root cause and take steps to return to high performance.

HAEEU’s short-term ongoing strategy for GMC cases is to cross-train VHC staff on the ACCESS system.  Our long-term strategy for GMC cases is to have one system that will enable staff to meet the targets more easily for all populations.

Our long-term strategy for GMC cases is to have one system that will enable staff to meet the targets more easily for all populations.


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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy