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Business Office

Accounts Receivable: % of provider taxes ($) collected by DVHA vs. invoiced/estimated

Current Value


Jul 2024


Line Bar

Notes on Methodology

The % of provider tax collected vs. invoiced/estimate used as factors of this KPI range from 60 to 75 invoices depending on where the month falls within the quarter, and within the State Fiscal Year.

Story Behind the Curve

This performance measure is important because it shows how efficiently the DVHA Business Office is managing the financial and business aspects. 

The measure reflects the % of providers that are paying their invoices timely and charge late fees if needed.  Providers are required to pay these fees monthly.  Measure components include Provider Tax by type: Nursing Home Facilities, Hospitals, and Pharmacies.  It excludes Ambulance Assessments, as they are only billed annually.  Pharmacies self-report each month, so some taxes are estimates. DVHA continues to communicate openly with providers when/if they become behind in their payments.  We work with them to develop a repayment plan and involve DVHA legal when needed.    

The trendline shows that there are months in which we collect over 100%, resulting from outreach to providers to collect on past-due balances to aim for them to remain as current as possible.

Narrative last updated:  08/08/23


  • Department of Finance and Management
  • Agency of Human Resources Central Office
  • State of Vermont Treasurer’s Office
  • Providers, including Hospitals, Home Health Agencies, Nursing Home Facilities, Independent Care Facilities, and Pharmacies

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