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Appeals Unit

% of eligibility appeals that are resolved prior to the formal Fair Hearing process

Current Value


Jul 2024


Line Bar

Notes on Methodology

Story Behind the Curve

This performance measure is important because by resolving appeals prior to going to formal hearing we are providing Vermonters expeditious and favorable resolution to their eligibility appeals wherever possible, as well as saving state resources by not having to go through the formal Fair Hearing process before the Human Services Board.

This metric tracks the percentage of eligibility appeal requests received during a month that are resolved prior to a formal fair hearing.  Because internal resolution may take longer than one month, the data points for previous months may be updated retrospectively.

The data shows us any trends, if there is an increase in appeals then we can review to see if there is a system error that needs to be addressed. There are some fluctuations during the year that are based in operational processes, for example open enrollment, renewals and verification.  

Narrative last updated:  04/21/23


  • Office of the Attorney General
  • DVHA Health Access Eligibility & Enrollment Unit

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