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Long Term Care (LTC) Unit and 1 more... less...


Long Term Care (LTC) Unit

# of applications completed during the month

Current Value


Jul 2024


Line Bar

Notes on Methodology

Story Behind the Curve

This performance measure was chosen by DVHA to identify the number of Long-Term Care (LTC) Medicaid applications which were completed during a month.  

These cases were either approved, denied, or withdrawn.
•    APPROVALS:  The number of approved applications indicates the number of Vermonters who have newly accessed LTC supports and services in any given month.  Before DVHA LTC issues a notice of determination approving LTC Medicaid, DAIL must approve the clinical eligibility, DVHA must approve the financial eligibility (including the 60-month look back period), and the applicant  must have been placed in a long-term care setting or has a service plan in place.
•    DENIALS:  This number includes applications which were denied by DAIL for not meeting clinical eligibility or by DVHA for not meeting financial eligibility.
•    WITHDRAWN:  These are applications which the applicant withdrew.  The request to withdraw the application could have been reported either to DAIL or to DVHA.

The above chart shows the trendline, and the above table shows the monthly detail.  Through March 2024, the number of completed applications held steady between 200 and 250 per month. Note that in July 2023, Vermont experienced extraordinary flooding throughout the State.  There were significant impacts on homes, roads, and USPS mail.  Some Vermont LTC staff and clients were negatively impacted by the flooding.   As a result, there was a dip in the number of completed LTC applications for the month of July.  The trendline rebounded in the fall of 2023. Note also that the LTC Medicaid Unit had three vacant LTC Specialist positions which were filled in late March and April 2024.

Last Updated: 05/20/24


  • Applicants, family members and assisters
  • DAIL Nursing Staff
  • Vermont Legal Aid
  • Private Attorneys
  • Area Agencies on Aging

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy